My spirit mate liked to watch.

He’d be the last one inside me. Make us both wait for the joining of our souls.

Titus would be first.

Vox and Sol sharing second.

Then Cyrus.

And maybe Exos would join then.

A trail of fire caught my focus, the flame inching downward to meet Cyrus’s hand. The Water King didn’t move, instead adding a kiss of water to the mix that left me quivering in his arms. Titus stepped forward, shrugging out of his jacket as he moved. “You’re making me thirsty,” he said casually to the male behind me.

“Am I?” Cyrus asked, his finger gliding with ease through my folds as Titus’s flame followed.

I trembled between them, my body lost to the sensations below. And we hadn’t even started yet.

Holy Fae, these men are going to kill me, I thought, grabbing Cyrus’s wrist as he thrust two fingers inside me. I gasped, the penetration harsh and oh-so right.

“Poor Claire,” he mused at my back. “How will she survive us all?”

Sol and Vox both removed their jackets.

Titus kicked off his shoes.

And Exos remained calmly composed, sipping his drink and watching me with desire bright in his dark blue eyes.

A cool breeze tweaked my nipples, drawing my gaze to Vox. He smiled and canted his head. “I foresee a lot of screaming in her future.”

“Indeed,” Cyrus agreed, his fingers leaving me and stirring a whimper from deep within my soul.

Until Titus went to his knees before me.

My knees buckled as his mouth sealed over my clit, but Cyrus caught me with his arm around my middle, his opposite hand lifting to my paint my lips with my arousal. “Don’t lick, little queen,” he said. “That’s for Sol to taste, not you.”

Oh, dear mother of the elements…

Sol stepped forward, his palm going to my throat as he angled me to receive his kiss.

And kiss me he did.

The heat of his tongue a brand against my own, mingling with the juices Cyrus had left for my earth mate to enjoy.

Titus grazed me with his teeth, forcing me to divide my focus between them.

One of my hands went to Titus’s hair, the other to Sol’s cheek, and all the while, Cyrus remained a steadying presence at my back, holding me upright while my other two mates devoured me.

Vox’s groan had me opening my eyes to find his lips wrapped around Cyrus’s fingers, sucking them clean. And fuck if that wasn’t the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

My men playing together?

My thighs clenched around Titus in response.

Yes. More of that, please, I thought, groaning against Sol’s mouth.

A conside

ration for later perhaps, Cyrus replied, his lips brushing my neck and nibbling at my racing pulse. Tonight is about worshiping you, our queen.