I should have been in class, but there was no way I could focus right now. Instead of causing trouble and picking a fight with my fellow Fire Fae, I decided it was safer for the Academy if I just stayed here and took my frustration out on the dusty practice arena in front of the Spirit Dorm.

I’d only just gotten her back.

Now she was gone. Again.

It didn’t matter that there was a good reason for her absence. A hole existed in my heart where her essence should have been, and demanded that I do something about it.

I spun a magicked bo staff and sent a blaze of fire running a jagged line through the sand, leaving behind a streak of melted glass. The staff itself threatened to buckle under the heat, but it would hold up for a few hours more. It was the third one I’d gone through this week. I really needed to get some better weapons.

My growing power should have frightened me. Claire was changing me—changing all of us. Her lingering power surrounded me on our familiar training grounds and gave me a small sense of comfort.

Gods. I just wanted to see her again.

I put on a good show for Sol and Vox, but I missed her more than anything. Every kiss and touch had strengthened our bond. But that connection strained when I was apart from her for too long.

My eyes flashed open, my instincts flaring.

Someone’s coming.

I didn’t know how I knew, but I sensed the approaching presence. A subtle shift of heat and magic, disturbing unseen elemental currents that ran through the Fae Realm. Maybe it was Mortus trying to recruit me for the more advanced classes again, or Professor Vulcan come to chide me for yet another absence.

“Whoever it is, now’s not a good time,” I growled to the shimmering air roiling with heat. “I’m in no mood.” I twirled the training staff and let the flames etching across the magicked wood grow hotter. Nothing too fancy or exciting or all that intimidating.

I really need more practice with elemental weapons to help protect Claire. The real world used fire and other magical essences, unlike the Powerless Arena.

A teasing hint of water misted over my bare chest, causing steam to fog the air, and I raised a brow.

Cyrus misted in front of me with a grinning Claire in his arms. She launched from him with a laugh and jumped into my aura of flames, causing my weapon to fall with a clatter against the ground. She merged with my element, seamlessly transitioning from water to fire as the living magic enveloped her as its own.

“Hey, you,” she said, her voice husky as if she was high on elements and sex.

Which, given the way Cyrus smirked at me, was probably accurate.

“Hey,” I replied, unable to stop the pleased grin that spread across my face as I tucked my hands under her perfectly rounded ass and held her against me.

Cyrus invaded the flames, sending the heat sprawling away from him with an effortless wave of water that wrinkled my nose. His lips went to her neck as if he couldn’t stop touching her.

I understood that feeling.

“I have business to attend to, little queen,” he whispered in her ear, then gave her a nip. His silver-blue eyes locked onto mine. “I trust Titus can handle your needs while I’m gone.”

My pleased grin turned sinister. Maybe it was insulting that Cyrus was literally using my dick as a way to keep Claire occupied, but I didn’t care.

Not when she wiggled in my arms like that.

“What kind of business?” Claire asked, her lids heavy as she stroked a line of fire up my neck. “Hmm, because I wonder what it would feel like to mix water and fire,” she added, glancing at me with a mischievous glint as a cool mist of her magic ran down my abs, sending steam between us. Her fingers followed the cool touch, playfully bringing warmth back to my protesting skin.

The effect was fucking amazing.

Cyrus chuckled, and I realized that I’d groaned—loudly.

“Why don’t you practice for me? Seems like Titus may enjoy it.” Without answering her question, he misted away, leaving me and Claire alone in the training yard.

I didn’t give her an opportunity to go after him. I didn’t know if she could mist now, but I wasn’t going to risk losing her attention again. I claimed her mouth with mine and scooped her up against me.

“I missed you,” I told her between breaths.

“I missed—” She tried to reply, but my tongue was busy exploring hers as I all but sprinted us to the Spirit Dorm.