He nodded. “Yes.”

“Yes,” I parroted back at him, not even needing to think about it. “Yes.” Because I refused to lose him again. Ever. And this would make our bond permanent. Unbreakable. Impenetrable. “Yes,” I said again.

His lips twitched, his blue eyes glittering with amusement. “Well, at least I know how to make you agreeable. Just put you in a hallway of naked men.”

I narrowed my gaze. “Don’t ruin the moment, Exos.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, princess.” He pulled me into a hug while the others murmured around us about my mother and what that all meant.

“Do you think taking her to the Spirit Kingdom is a wise move?” Vox asked, his tone holding a hint of something I couldn’t quite define. Not jealousy, exactl

y, but a touch of longing underlined in concern.

“She’ll be there with me and Cyrus. We won’t take her anywhere near the death fields.” Exos pulled me to his side, his arm securing my shoulders. “But it’s her decision if she wants to go back there.”

I swallowed, recalling what happened the last time I visited the Spirit Kingdom. The stark desolation of the lands, the way the death fields had nearly claimed my soul, and that little flicker of light in the distant village housing the only remaining Spirit Fae.

Ninety percent of them had perished because of my mother, leaving them with only two royals left—Cyrus and Exos. My mates. My loves. My fae.

Allowing Exos to ascend on his own wasn’t really an option.

It would also mark me as a coward.

No. My mother had taken enough from me, from them. She wouldn’t take this, too.

“I’m going,” I said, feeling the confidence of those two words all the way to my bones. “It’s where I’m meant to be. Where I’m needed.” I had to show the fae world that I wasn’t afraid. I might be Ophelia’s daughter, but I wasn’t her.

Vox, Titus, and Sol all studied me with resignation in their gazes. They could feel my decision through the bonds, my spirit’s need to finalize my connection to Exos palpable to everyone in the hall.

“Hurry back to us, little flower,” Sol murmured, giving me a small grin. “I’ll make sure your peach trees are ready.”

“And I’ll see what I can do about cleaning up around here,” Vox added.

Titus winked. “Meanwhile, I’ll supervise and keep them out of trouble.”

Sol snorted and Vox shook his head. “If anyone will be supervising anyone, it’ll be me,” Vox declared.

I think they’ll be just fine for a few days, princess, Exos whispered into my mind.

My lips curled in amusement as all three of them began bickering in a playful manner. Yeah, I agreed. I know. I hated to leave them behind, but they couldn’t enter the Spirit Kingdom.

We won’t be gone long, Exos promised softly. A week at most.

And when we returned, I would have two full mates. Water and Spirit. With three more to go.

I kissed them all goodbye before taking Exos’s hand.

It was time to face my future. My mother. And all fae kind.

My name is Claire Summers and I accept my fate.

Whatever that may be.


“Hands above your head, princess.” Exos loomed over me in an all-black suit that clung to his form in unfair ways—ways that forced me to obey him.

I stretched my hands above my head and gripped the bars of his headboard. “Happy?”