I brushed the hair from Claire’s face and pressed my forehead to hers. “I’m here for you, little flower.” That was what she felt like—a delicate bloom that could fly away on the wind if I breathed too hard. “Talk to me. Did something happen?”

Her fingers continued to explore my skin, making the earth tremble as my need for her grew. “It’s Elana, I guess. She introduced me to the other half of my element today, and it sort of didn’t go as planned,” she admitted, then sighed. “Actually, no. Honestly, I think it’s my mother that’s bothering me more.”


She bit her lip, the motion distracting me before she continued. “Everything just feels off. I can’t really explain it, just a sense of wrongness. But I know it’s her.”

“Off how?”

She sighed and draped her leg over mine. I couldn’t help but notice that it put her hips dangerously close to my reach. If she kept that up, I was going to be useless in this conversation.

Her glittering blue eyes met mine, holding me captive. “It’s just, I think I keep hearing her. In my head. But unclearly.” Her gaze darted around our oasis. “She feels very here.”

I stiffened and immediately unlatched the door I kept over my roaring power, sending the ground around us rumbling. But I only found Claire and her bond-mates in blissful harmony, nothing dark. “I don’t feel anything.”

“I didn’t mean here,” she murmured, smiling. “But with me somehow.” She shook her head. “Honestly, I think I’m just exhausted from everything. It’s probably all the sex.” Her eyes glittered with intent as she slid her hand across my shirt, parting the buttons to expose my abs along the way. She let out a long breath of appreciation. “Sometimes I can’t believe all of this is real.”

I couldn’t take it anymore and ran my hand over her hip and down her thigh, squeezing while putting my thumb just close enough between her legs to give her a hint of anticipation. Her breath hitched as I massaged her knotted muscles. “It’s very real, little flower. We’d do anything for you.”

Her expression sparkled with delight, then turned mischievous. “Even dress up in a real suit for the Solstice Ball?”

I grimaced, but my heart leapt that she’d brought it up. “I thought we’d agreed on jeans.”

Her fingers ran lower across my abdomen, causing my muscles to clench. “You’d look good in silk, I think.” She licked her lips and then leaned in, replacing her touch with her tongue.

I rumbled my agreement. If she wanted silk, I’d wear the damn silk. Fuck, I’d go naked. I didn’t care, not when she was doing…


I groaned when her mouth came dangerously close to my beltline, and the ground trembled as my powers threatened to lose control.

“I can’t, little flower,” I said through gritted teeth.

Gods, I wanted to, but I felt my control slipping. Either we needed a full mate-bond to keep me grounded or I needed Vox here with us. Regardless, I would never do anything that put Claire in danger.

She didn’t argue, her understanding written into her features. “You shouldn’t be afraid of your gifts,” she whispered, nestling back up into my neck as she wrapped her leg around my hip again and pressed her entire body into mine.

My aching cock underneath the thin layer of my clothes protested when her thigh pressed into my shaft, but she stilled when I gripped her hip to keep her from moving.

“I’m not,” I promised her. “I’m just careful with you.”

She chuckled and lazily swept her fingers over my chest. I indulged her mouth with a tender kiss. “Perhaps later, then,” she suggested, delight in her voice. “If you need the others with us to feel safe with me, then they’ll be happy to oblige, I’m sure.” She gave me another kiss, this one more forceful. “But promise me that one day it can be just us. Maybe your World Tree with our earth and our love.” She adored all her bond-mates, but it made me feel like an entirely new fae that Claire wanted me all to herself.

My hand went to its possessive hold on her neck again as I tasted her. “That’s a promise I can keep, when we’re ready.” When the bond between us was so strong that even the earth would move on command.

She poked me on my nose. “And you’re taking me to the ball.”

I nodded, nipping her lower lip. “You have a deal, little flower.”


I pinched my lips to the side. Something’s missing. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

My makeup was subtle, my hair was tousled in long blonde waves down my back, and my blue dress had the most amazing sweetheart neckline. It accented my curves in all the right places without being too clingy. The fabric also matched my eyes, which was a plus.

But something wasn’t right.

I tapped my chin, my gaze on my reflection in the mirror. This sense of uncertainty weighed upon my shoulders, holding me captive in my three-inch silver heels.