With a grumble, I righted myself, determined to still enjoy our brunch.

Which Sol had already found in the dining side of the sitting area.

He was eyeing the holiday delicacies with a hungry gleam. The embers I’d set alight kept the food warm while I finished decorating the tree.

“Humans usually feast for Christmas, so I tried to organize something for us to enjoy that sort of spans both holidays,” I explained.

“It all smells amazing,” Sol said, giving me a small smile.

Well, at least I’d done something right.

The others joined Sol in admiring the dishes. And Vox returned with a relieved expression, then eyed all the platters of food. “Wow, now I see why you wanted all those ingredients.”

I smiled. “Thank you for finding me what I needed. Your grandfather helped, too.”

He stared at me. “He did?”

“Yep. He helped me with the cookies and sandwiches. But the dragonsteak was my idea.” I pointed to the stick of meat wrapped in bacon. “I also made eggs and an orc roast.” But I had no clue how that turned out. I just kept cooking it and hoping for the best.

All the males nodded and began filling up their plates.

Except for Cyrus and Exos, who appeared to be eyeing the dragonsteak skeptically.

I frowned at them. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Exos said slowly. “It’s just, uh, not something we’ve seen before.”

“It’s bacon swirled around a dragonsteak stick,” Vox supplied helpfully, his eyes latching onto Exos as he gave him a tight smile. “Eat it. It’s good.”

Exos blinked at him. “It’s a what?”

“A bacon-wrapped dragonsteak,” I clarified. “Trust me, you’ll love it.” I’d already snacked on a piece earlier today.

“Bacon,” he repeated as if tasting the word.

“It’s from a pig,” Sol said helpfully, already halfway done with his first plate. “Human thing.”

“Claire calls it bacon,” Vox added.

Exos just stared at him. “You told her this was bacon?”

“Because it is bacon,” Vox replied through his teeth. “Eat it, Spirit King. Claire made it.”

Cyrus burst out laughing, his amusement a heavy wave of entertainment. “I’m not touching that,” he said between chuckles. “I love you, little queen, I do, but it’s not happening.”

“Then I’ll eat it,” Sol replied, taking all of the dragonsteak for himself.

“You would.” Cyrus wiped tears from his eyes.

“I don’t understand why this is so funny,” I said, glancing between them all. Even Titus seemed amused. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Exos appeared to be the only sober one in the room, his gaze kind as he said, “That’s not bacon, princess. It’s troll fat.”

Another round of laughter ripped from Cyrus’s mouth. Titus joined him.

Vox just looked defeated. “You’re both assholes,” he hissed, the words directed at Exos and Cyrus.

“I’m not the one who told her troll fat was bacon,” Exos drawled. “That’s on you.”