Two finalized bonds.

Water and Spirit.

Royal ties on both ends.

Titus, Vox, and Sol came to life in my mind, their elements aware of my deepened ties to spirit. But I didn’t feel any animosity or jealousy, just a sense of understanding and acceptance.

I was a Halfling with access to all five elements. I needed my fae mates to ground me, to complete the elemental circle we’d all started.

And two of those threads were now absolute.

Nothing could come between us.

Not even my evil-as-fuck mother.

Exos stretched out on top of me, his mouth sealing over mine. A kiss to bind us together forever. I felt it all the way to my toes, the finality of our embrace. And the welcome of a new future.

My tongue met his in a dance filled with promise and intent. All the heat he’d awoken between my legs roared back to life with a vengeance, my need for him consuming my every thought.

Please, I whispered to him. Please, Exos.

After months of him exploring me sexually, I needed him to let me return the favor. I craved his intensity, his touch, his intimacy.

He cupped my breast, his touch similar to Cyrus’s and yet so entirely his own.

Cyrus, I thought, remembering his presence.

Only, he was no longer standing beside the bed.

Try not to kill my brother, little queen. He’s still recovering. His words caressed my mind, his touch fluid and strong and commanding.

Pretty sure he can handle himself. As Exos was proving with his mouth.

Cyrus mentally slid away with a chuckle that warmed me all over. A warmth Exos seemed to follow with his hands as he traced my curves. “My brother had you for a week, Claire,” he said softly, nipping at my lower lip. “Today you’re mine. And only mine.”

I had no reply for that.

Which was good because he didn’t give me a chance to even try before taking over my mouth again.

His hips settled between mine, his pants an unwelcome barrier. But my wrists were still bound, holding me hostage as he took his sweet time kissing me. I could taste myself on his tongue, a flavor that only heightened my arousal and need for him.

All these months of foreplay.

Culminating in a fiery moment of passion.

One he seemed hell-bent on prolonging.

“Exos,” I moaned. “You’re killing me.”

“Seems only fair to give you a dose of how I’ve felt these last few months.” He pressed a kiss to my throat before dipping down to tease my breasts. “I’ve burned for you, Claire. So fucking hot. And now you’re mine.” Those dark blue eyes glimmered up at me. “Mine, princess.”

“Yours,” I agreed, my hips arching in a desperate plea for friction.

He sucked my nipple deep into his mouth, the act almost punishing but also deliciously appeasing. Such a twisted and convoluted sensation.

Exos repeated the action with my other peak before drawing back onto his knees to admire my bound form. “You’re turning a beautiful shade of pink, Claire.”

“Because I’m on fire,” I admitted, squirming. Fuck, if my hands were free, I’d pleasure myself at this rate.