She ran her fingers through my tousled hair, which had come undone during the explosion of wind. “What happened?”

“I’m following my destiny,” I told her. “I’ve chosen you.” My raging element instantly quieted with her presence to stabilize my power, but it was time to stop denying what my heart needed.

What she needed from me.

Titus leaned on a nearby pillar and watched the exchange. I gave him a nod. “Titus, can you tell the others that I’ll be stealing Claire away for the remainder of the night?”

He gave me a knowing grin. “Only if she agrees.”

“What am I agreeing to?” Claire asked softly, her lips swollen from my attention.

I palmed her cheek and captured her aroused gaze. “I want to complete our mating. If you’ll have me.”


“Tonight,” I agreed. “Here. In my kingdom. With my grandfather as my witness.” It was why I didn’t mind him following me. I needed a royal to help with the vows, and while he might be an outcast, he still maintained his bloodline.

The look he gave me now said he understood. And his smile told me he approved.

Old, he might be. Dense, he was not.

“Really?” Claire beamed at me. “You want to finalize our mating?”

“I do,” I told her, brushing my lips against hers once more. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

It wasn’t because of my parents or their harsh words. Although, their callousness did prove my choice to be the correct one. Without their push tonight, I might have waited a little longer.

But now I saw no choice in putting off the inevitable. I wanted Claire. I’d always wanted her. And I didn’t want to spend another moment without her as my true mate.

“Yes,” she said, smiling. “Yes.”

Our lips met again, this time in a slower embrace filled with every emotion we shared between us. My frustration at my parents. Her fear of the future. My utmost respect and adoration. Her devotion and love. Our affinity for air. Our intertwined future with all the other elements. Our promise to always remain faithful to each other in our own special way.

Mine, I thought. My Claire.

I just needed the world to know it. To bind us in the most traditional of ways. To cherish her for eternity.

“I’ll let the others know,” Titus said, sounding amused. “Besides, I hear Sol is going to try some of your city’s famed blast mead.” He chuckled. “It’s too bad you both will miss it.”

Claire grinned against my mouth. “I want to hear stories later.”

“Anything for you, sweetheart,” Titus promised, blowing her a kiss.

She blew him one back, her arms never leaving my neck and her legs still wound tight around my waist.

Titus shoved off of the pillar, staggering once. Perhaps the Fire Fae had enjoyed some of the powerful mead himself. “If I sense anything strange, I’m coming to find you.” He gave Claire a semi-stern look, then he sauntered away.

“What did he mean by ‘strange’?” I asked.

Claire shook her head. “I’ll tell you later. I promise.”

I stared her down, but Claire merely smiled.

Reluctantly, I let it go.

I didn’t want to live another moment without Clai

re as my mate. And there was only one way to secure our future together for good.