No, we fucked until we couldn’t move, our hearts hammering in our chests, our bodies depleted and shaking from the exertion.

A wildness had taken over, driving our movements, forcing us to the point of no return.

We collapsed together in a pile of limbs with Claire giggling between us.

I glanced sideways at her, noted her gorgeous pink complexion, and smiled.

She looked so animated and joyous that it almost hurt my heart. But I used the last vestiges of my strength to tug her to me for another kiss and sighed as she relaxed against my chest.

Exos wrapped his arm around her waist, nuzzling her back, our positions having switched at some point during the fuck fest. I couldn’t be the only one to experience that sweet ass of hers, after all.

Now it all resembled a blur of sensation and sex and absolute bliss.

One I would happily experience again, once my dick awoke from a long nap.

Claire nuzzled into my pec, her cheeks still pink. I drew my fingers through her hair, unknotting the strands. “Don’t ever leave us again, little queen. Please.”

“I didn’t mean to,” she whispered, her eyes drooping. “I don’t even know how I did.”

Which was even more concerning than her actual disappearance.

Exos’s eyes said the same as he met my gaze. “We need to talk to Kols. Find out what the hell is going on.”

“He might not know,” I pointed out. “But I agree.

If anyone can shed some light on this darkness, it’s him.” Because that was what I felt when Exos had unraveled the binds holding Ophelia’s soul hostage.

Dark Fae magic.

Evil shit.

And somehow his slicing through the ropes had sent Claire directly into the source, a consequence we absolutely needed to avoid in the future. Assuming they were related. Which, I was willing to bet, they were.

“I’ll arrange it,” I said, referring to Kols. “In the morning.” When I could properly move again.

Claire wasn’t even listening, her eyes having fallen closed after uttering her last word.

But Exos was alert. He nodded, then kissed her nape. “Good night, princess.”

She didn’t even stir.

I smiled. “Yes. Sweet dreams, little queen.”

Part III

“When one becomes half

And five become one,

A plague will descend upon the fae.

Only death is the cure.”



Of all the places to meet a Midnight Fae, Cyrus chose a Manhattan nightclub. Like, in New York City. With humans. Alcohol. And obnoxious music that grated on my nerves.