Elana silenced Ignis with a wave of her hand. “No speaking unless I ask you to.” She strode around the trio, the atmosphere moving with her as a twirl of pixies appeared on her shoulder. “Mmm, yes, do.”

They took off in a swarm, dancing over the three girls who appeared frozen in time, unblinking. I gaped at the display, concerned and confused, while everyone else in the room appeared to be incapable of observing.

What is happening? I wondered.

She’s searching their minds for memories, Titus whispered back, causing my head to whip toward him.

What?! She can do that?

As a Spirit Fae, you possess the same ability.

I gaped at his prone form. He’d remained tucked into a revered pose, his eyes hidden from my own. I learned last night that we could somehow communicate in our minds now that we’d mated, but I didn’t realize how clear our conversations could be.

Am I supposed to be bowing? I asked, wiping my palms against my skirt.

If you were, you would be. She’s controlling the entire room right now, apart from you and Exos.

Why? I wondered. And how did he know she wasn’t controlling me? I’d felt her energy slither over my skin. Just thinking about it made me tremble in foreboding. I never wanted to feel that again.

Because she can and she’s pissed, Titus replied. But most importantly, because it’s a way of exerting power.

Oh. And you’re telling me she’s able to search everyone’s memories? Why didn’t she—or Exos, for that matter—do that before? It would have saved us a lot of trouble, and me a lot of grief.

Who’s to say they haven’t? he countered. But from what I understand, it takes a lot of energy. And to dive into someone’s mind requires a conflict worthy of the intrusion—such as witnessing a fae using elements inappropriately.

Hence, today’s trap, I realized.


“Interesting,” Elana said as her pixies began to chatter. “Very interesting.” She clapped and the creatures disappeared. “It would appear none of the incidents were Claire at all, but the three of you trying to sabotage the new student out of petty jealousy.”

“That’s not—”

“Silence!” Power thundered through that softly spoken word, making even me want to think twice about ever speaking again. Ignis visibly shuddered, her fiery hair falling in a wave over her shoulders as she bent even lower. “What was it you three desired? Oh, yes. For the Halfling to be banished to the Spirit Kingdom. Well, I do find that to be a suitable punishment for knowingly trying to destroy the reputation of an innocent student. Thoughts, Exos?”

“Perhaps a temporary visit,” he suggested flatly. “They are students, after all. And the Spirit Kingdom is not kind to outsiders.”

“Temporary,” she mused, tapping her lip. “Vape?”

The white-haired male lifted a shoulder in

a slight shrug. “As it is an affront on the Royal Fae and his intended, I would defer to his choice on the matter.”

“And you, Mortus? I sense you lurking in the corridor. What say you?” she called.

My heart skipped a beat as the tall male with familiar dark features entered the room, his hands tucked behind his back in a similar fashion to Exos. “Does my opinion even matter?” he asked, his tone emotionless.

“As I request it, yes.” She gave him her full attention. “Ignis is one of your students, after all.”

He glanced at the redhead. “One of many.”

“Then you should care what happens to her.”

“As I said, one of many.” He considered Ignis as one would an inconvenient mosquito. “Well, I suppose a temporary punishment would be adequate. Though, I’ll also note that I surmised something like this would happen. The Halfling is not necessarily well liked, and if she is to survive in this world, then she should get used to being attacked.”

Ice slithered through my veins at his callous words. Even Vox flinched beside me. But Exos merely chuckled. “I wish anyone luck who attempts to touch my intended betrothed. Not only will they have me to contend with, but also Titus. In fact”—he paused to address the room—“allow this to be a warning to you all. For while I may suggest a temporary sentence to be served in the Spirit Kingdom, I’m also requesting they be stripped of their elements during their stay. As they’ve proven to use them wrongly, it only seems fitting. Wouldn’t you agree, Elana?”

The girls began to cry—silently—while the elders observed, and I wondered what all that would entail. Cuffs like my own? Or something more dire?