Only then I did I realize who had joined me up here, the smoky figure taking corporeal form.

But it was too late.

The assailant’s name was but a mere whisper in my mind just as everything went dark.

Run, my Claire…


To Be Continued…

Elemental Fae Academy: Book Two

Someone wants me dead.

Worse yet, my link to Spirit is dying. Why? Because Exos has been taken by a new enemy. Now I have to rely on my other elements to find my missing link before it’s too late.

Oh, and I need a guard to protect me while I learn how to defend myself. No big deal. Master the elements, find my lost Spirit, and identify the bad guy.

Yeah. Easy.

Except Titus is tired of playing by the rules of others.

Vox just wants to be friends.

Sol is pissing everyone off.

And Cyrus, well, he’s a force of nature and very much in charge.

I’d better solve this puzzle quickly before my heart starts making choices on my behalf. Because all of these fae are beautiful, cunning, and perfect in their own ways.

But how can I feel complete without my Spirit?

The hunt is on, and whoever is out to hurt me and mine will pay.

Note: This is a medium-burn reverse harem paranormal romance, and book two of the Elemental Fae Academy trilogy.

Chapter One


Titus’s mouth captivated me. So smooth, perfect, and delicious. My tongue craved to meet his, to engage in a sensual dance that would lead to more. But he kept the kiss slow and teasing, his lips tantalizingly tender.

He smiled, the motion knowing. “You said you wanted to wait for Exos to begin our celebrations.”

“I did,” I admitted, my thighs clenching around his. Climbing onto his lap and straddling his thighs hadn’t been part of the plan, but his smoldering green eyes had become a beacon I couldn’t ignore. “He’s taking too long.”

After the incident in the gym—where we finally discovered who was framing me for all the incidents at the Academy—Exos went off to call his brother. Whatever that meant. I had yet to see a phone in this realm. Maybe I’d ask him when he returned.

Titus chuckled and tapped my nose. “So eager.”

“I feel liberated. Free. Like I could fly.” I threaded my fingers through his thick auburn hair. “And I’m tired of waiting.” At this point, Exos could just join us whenever he arrived. It wouldn’t be the first time he walked in on me naked with Titus. “Kiss me.”

“Mmm, I

was,” he murmured.

“Really kiss me.”