“Okay, good.”

I followed him and sat on the bed with my back braced against the headboard, my dress flaring over my legs. My shoes were in the closet already, leaving my feet bare. I blew across the mug before allowing myself a sip and groaned at the flavors bursting on my tongue. This wasn’t like any hot chocolate I’d ever tasted, the whipped goodness decadent and empowering.

He smirked and sat beside me on the bed, crossing his feet at the ankles to reveal a pair of dress socks that matched his elegant attire.

“Do you always wear suits?” I asked, trying for simple conversation.

He shrugged. “Depends on the situation.”

“Yeah?” I eyed him sideways. “And when does the situation require you to wear that hideous royal garb you forced on Titus?”

Exos chuckled, shaking his head. “I can’t believe he actually put that shit on. I had a pair of jeans and a shirt waiting for him in the other room.”

“He was in a hurry after you told us to head downstairs.”

“Not that much of a hurry,” he said, laughing again. “It’s a formal outfit that hasn’t been worn in probably two or three hundred years. He’s probably going to destroy it, which might disappoint Cyrus.” He shrugged. “Was totally worth seeing Titus in it, though.”

“You’re mean,” I accused, smiling. Who knew this man had a sense of humor?

He gave me a look. “You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy seeing him in that atrocious outfit?”

I hid my amusement behind my mug. “Maybe a little.”

“Uh-huh.” He nudged me with his shoulder and reached over to press his palm against my mug. Heat flared against my fingertips as he used fire to keep the contents warm.

My lips parted in awe, my own fire igniting to do the same and bringing the liquid to a boil. “Wow,” I whispered, staring down at the bubbling chocolate.

“Try stirring it,” he murmured, releasing the mug.

“With what?” There was no spoon.

“Air.” He studied the drink, his head tilting. “Perhaps water, too, as I added some to the mixture.”

I considered his suggestion and exhaled over the top of the rim. It created a tiny ripple that I tugged on and swirled with my mind, the contents shifting with my mental command. “Oh…” It was working. The bubbles smoothed as I whirled the chocolate with another breath, the sweet aroma tickling my nose.

“It’s all about control,” Exos said softly, his blue eyes simmering as he observed.

“Why is fire so much easier?” I asked, calling for it again to heat my cup and infusing more air to twirl it through my drink.

“It seems to be tied to your emotions. Calling the flames is a natural defense. It’s also the most passionate of the elements.” Embers danced along his fingertips, jumping into my hot chocolate and joining my atmospheric storm.

I smiled as I absorbed his energy with mine, the feeling so incredibly natural. “Maybe I’m more Fire Fae?”

He shook his head. “No, you’re very much a Spirit Fae.”

“But I don’t seem to be doing much with spirit.”

“Because you don’t know how to use it yet.” His expression darkened a bit. “It’s the most powerful element in existence and therefore the most important to understand before you access it. You literally hold the lives of those around you in your hands when you play with spirit.”

I stopped playing with the hot chocolate, his words chilling me. “What do you mean?”

“When you have the power to create life, you can also take it. Or…” He met my gaze. “Or you can manipulate it.”

“Like telling people what to do?”

He nodded. “But it’s more than that. Spirit gives us access to the souls of every living, breathing thing, from the trees outside to the fae in this dorm. And the more powerful the Spirit Fae, the stronger the ability to take control. It’s considered a very dark gift, Claire. Most of my kind only use it on a superficial level as a result.”

“And you?” I asked.