He tilted his head, the motion endearing. “Morning,” he whispered.

“Morning,” I replied, stretching my legs.

Legs that were intertwined with Titus.

Who was asleep behind me with his chest pressed up against my naked back.

Oh, shit.

Exos knelt beside the bed, placing us at eye level. He brushed a curl away from my face before palming my cheek. “It’s okay, Claire.” His low murmur scattered a flurry of goose bumps down my arm. “But I am a little jealous that you sleep naked with him and fully clothed with me.” His gaze dipped down to where Titus’s arm was wrapped around my upper abdomen, my breasts completely revealed thanks to the fallen sheet.

I bit my lip, wincing. “I…” I wanted to apologize but didn’t know how. Because I didn’t feel remorse for spending the night with Titus, but I did feel bad about doing it so soon after kissing Exos. “I…” I cleared my throat, uncertain of how to proceed. “Sorry.”

He leaned closer, his blue eyes smoldering as he refocused on my face. “There’s nothing to forgive,” he murmured, his mouth brushing mine. “You have five elements, Claire. Powerful elements. You need a balance.”

I frowned. He couldn’t possibly be implying that I needed five fae to help balance my elements. Right? Because that’d be insane. I could hardly handle the two of these men, let alone five.

He pressed his lips to mine once more, his kiss soft and coaxing, while Titus stirred behind me.


“How’d it go?” he asked, his voice deep with sleep and sounding sexy as sin against my ear.

“We’ve reached an agreement,” Exos replied, the words fluttering over my lips. “The Council has granted my request to train Claire on Spirit Quad and prepare her powers for the Academy. If we can prove to them that she’s stable, they’ll allow her to attend classes.” He kissed me softly before shifting to glance over my shoulder. “You’ve been excused from classes due to temporary reassignment.”

“Good.” Titus’s arm lifted from my stomach, his hand shifting to my hip beneath the blankets. “I assume the three of us are relocating today?”

“Yes. The new quarters are being assembled right now.” Exos cocked his head, his nose brushing mine as he gave me his undivided attention. “Spirit Quad is abandoned, but that gives us plenty of room to practice. Okay?”

I swallowed, a little hot and bothered by being sandwiched between two incredibly good-looking men. And now they wanted me to live with both of them?

“I think you rendered her speechless, Your Highness,” Titus murmured, his lips against my hair. “Perhaps you need to help her find her voice.”

“Hmm, yes, I think she’s feeling quite shy at my finding her naked in bed with you. Again.” His gaze lowered to my chest, causing my nipples to harden in response, my body alight with wonder and sensation and confusion. “Any suggestions?”

“Several.” Titus’s palm slid across my lower belly, the touch a brand against my skin as he pulled me backward. “I introduced Claire to fire play.”

“Did you?” Exos stood, his fingers playing over his dress shirt, popping open the buttons with nimble fingers.

This can’t be happening.

It has to be a dream.

“You two don’t even like each other,” I blurted out, then winced at allowing my thoughts to grace my lips. Are you trying to ruin this?

Exos grinned. “Maybe not, but we both like you, Claire.” The fabric parted around his torso, revealing the toned physique beneath. He was leaner than Titus, but just as muscularly defined, almost in a regal sort of way. Fitting, considering his title. “It’s not common for a Spirit Fae to take two mates, but it’s not unheard of. Sometimes our affinity for a secondary element is strong, requiring an outlet. Clearly, you have a lot of fire in you.” He finished removing his shirt, folding it and setting it on the nightstand beside the bed.

“I’m willing to work with it if you both are,” Titus added, his thumb drawing a hypnotic circle around my belly button.

I resisted the urge to pinch myself, certain this had to be my unconscious mind indulging in this inappropriate scenario. But as the mattress dipped beneath Exos’s weight, his eyes darkened with desire on my breasts, I realized I’d never felt more alive.

“You have a lot of power in you, princess. This is one way to help expel some of your energy. We’ll absorb it for you. If it’s what you want.” He lay down beside me and fondled a strand of my hair that had fallen across my cheek. “I felt you come undone through our bond, Claire. Now I want to see it with my own eyes.”

My lips parted, my blood heating. “I’m really starting to think this is real,” I whispered.

Titus and Exos chuckled, their collective warmth searing me from both sides. Titus’s hand slid lower, exploring the apex between my thighs. “Definitely real, sweetheart,” he said against my ear.

I shivered, licking my lips. Exos tracked the movement with his gaze before leaning in to trace the same path with his own tongue. Oh, fuck… It served as an invitation, one I was hopeless to turn down.