“You!” the Professor shouted as his black eyes trained on Claire. “I will not tolerate violent elements in my classroom!”

As if Claire had a choice in the matter. This wasn’t her. I was certain of it.

Despite her lack of involvement, I’d seen the kind

of power she possessed. She could dispel this, if only I could guide her on how to use it.

The royal braced himself against the winds, and power shimmered around him as he anchored himself to the ground with invisible threads of life. My lips parted at the display of power. I’d known he was strong, but not that he was creative.

“Claire!” he shouted over the roar of the whirlwind that rained down chaos on the classroom. Determination was etched into every line of his face as the cyclone spiraled out of control.

Professor Helios grunted, trying to shove the winds back as a projectile flung dangerously close to his head.

“Claire!” Exos tried again, this time winning her wide-eyed stare. He braced a hand on her shoulder. “Remember what we taught you.”

A desk soared through the air and caught him against the shoulder, throwing him to the ground, silencing him.

Ah, shit…



I’d been so careful, so determined to master my fae elements. But of course, I fucked up again.

And now I’d injured Exos.

I started to kneel, to check on him, when the Air Fae—Vox—grabbed my shoulder. “We can dispel it. But I need you to focus.”

Exos had told me this Air Fae might be a good mentor, his ability to control elements and help others noted in his academic records.

The wind whirled around us, catching Exos in its tunnel and dragging him across the floor. No! I latched onto him and yanked him back with a strand of fire that had Vox jumping away from me.

The professor screamed words I couldn’t hear, causing the tornado to whirl toward him, plunging straight ahead, as though vexed by the command.

What the hell am I going to do?

“Exos!” I shouted, shaking him.

Vox was suddenly there, kneeling beside me. When had I fallen to the ground? I’d somehow landed beside Exos, my arms tight around his neck to keep him away from the destructive windstorm roaring through the room.

Oh God…

We’re going to die here.

Air was the one element I couldn’t seem to master. It always threw me off, always—

“Take my hand,” Vox demanded, holding out his palm. “We need to stop it before it destroys the building.”

“How?” I asked, raising my voice above the bellowing vortex. The professor seemed to have it contained to an extent, but it was throwing projectiles left and right.

And if one hit the professor…

“Claire!” Vox shouted. “I need you to trust me. You have the power to kill that thing, and I can help you harness it.”

Of course I did. Because I fucking created it.

Damn it!