“It doesn’t matter. This was a mistake.” She turned away from him and made to walk away.

He grasped her wrist in a gentle grip. “I’d say it matters a great deal.”

“Please,” she said, not turning around. “Don’t pretend some great attraction for me. My pride can take many things, but this is going a step too far.”

“I pretend nothing.” When she did not move, he stepped closer until her back nearly touched his chest. She smelled like the lavender sprig he’d given her, and the thought of hauling her against him and taking in that fresh, summer scent was unbearably arousing. His want for her could no longer be denied, and he’d wondered when this need had gotten so out of hand. He thought back to the lake, when the morning sun shone over her like a halo and her delicate lips had curved in amusement at his antics. And then he saw her at the ball, slender neck craning to spy him across the room, brown eyes wide and curious. Had it really begun that early? Nathan wasn’t sure, and didn’t think it quite mattered at the moment. Right now, there was only one thing he wanted and one thing only, as much as his rational mind was screaming at him.

“You know what I think?” he asked softly, resisting the urge to rest his hands on her slight shoulders. He wondered if the skin of her collarbone was as soft as it looked.

“I don’t care,” she whispered but did not move from her spot.

“I think,” he continued on, ignoring her response, “that you want me to kiss you again.”

Miss Hughs turned around to face him once more, her mouth drawn in a thin, uncertain line as her eyes scanned his face. For what, he wasn’t sure. “You are very sure of yourself,” she muttered. And yet, despite the insult, she took a minuscule step forward.

“I’m never sure when it comes to you.” He smiled, slow and seductive, raising a hand to stroke her cheek and waited for her to move away, or for some other sign his actions were unwanted. When she did neither, he lowered his head, all the while wondering just what was about to become of them.

* * *

Milton was going to kiss her again, Arabella realized with muted but warm surprise. She should stop him, should turn on her heel and walk away or lay a flat palm on his chest and give him a good hard shove. She did none of those things, too captivated by the angular planes of his face in the bright moonlight and the fuzzy heat spreading from her chest as he grew ever closer. She took a step forward, only half realizing it, and tilted her head at the same time he lowered his. He’d been entirely right. She did want him to kiss her, and that longing overpowered all rational thought until it was the only thing Arabella could think about.

Their lips met in a flurry of sensation, melding and separating in a soft, languid caress. His tongue swept along her bottom lip, teasing into the seam of her lips. The fission of heat in her chest slithered down her body to pool between her legs, and she parted her mouth with a quiet whimper. He in turn let out a low groan, hauling her against him, and Arabella could only wrap her arms around his large frame as he plundered her mouth. His hand grasped her buttom and, rather than the action shocking her, she was only emboldened further. Clutching the fabric of Milton’s coat, Arabella pushed into him, tongue darting out to meet his. A hardness pressed against her belly, and she flushed with the knowledge of what it meant. Arabella had spent enough nights giggling over a smuggled lurid tome or two with Caroline to understand just what this embrace could lead to. For her to have such an effect on a man was positively thrilling.

A twig snapped somewhere deep in the garden, and the interruption was enough to jar her from the haze of arousal she’d been trapped in. Milton pushed away from her at the same time as she, both of them staring at each other in muted shock. They remained frozen and silent for a good minute, and Arabella strained her ears for any other sounds to indicate another’s presence. Nothing happened, but that relieving fact didn’t soothe her. “What in the world was that?” she spat harshly into the dark.

“Probably an animal,” he replied with a shrug.

“That wasn’t my question, and you know it.” She wasn’t sure what infuriated her more, the bewildering lapse in her judgment or the fact that he seemed completely unbothered by this devastating episode.

He put his hands on his hips, a undercurrent of irritation lining his voice. “What do what me to say, Miss Hughs? One second you seem to hate my very presence and the next you’re letting me kiss you. Twice, might I add.”

“I…” She swallowed, her mind a confused frenzy. Though the sound had likely been nothing, the reminder that they might have been discovered in such a passionate embrace did nothing to ease her disquiet. Milton had tried to trick her, made himself a complete ass, and foisted his unwanted company on her at any opportunity. And yet, he was also charming, entertaining, and seemed to appreciate her in a way that no other had before.

Or did he?

The bet still hung in the air, and it was entirely possible that he was still playing at the ruse, that his affections were merely a more strategic way to win in the long run. The thought was enough to cool any remaining ardor, panic and embarrassment replacing the feeling with a force that nearly took her breath away. She’d sworn last year to never fall for another deception, to never play the moon-eyed fool for some duplicitous man.

“Miss Hughs.” His voice was quiet, almost soothing, as he reached for her.

She took a step back with a shake of her head. Everything was still too fresh for her to process properly, his presence too distracting. Space between them was required, and fast, for the almost somber look in his eyes nearly drew her into his arms once more. Before her discipline could snap, Arabella turned on her heel and ran. This time, the lack of footsteps behind her was a relief.

* * *

“Is everything alright, Bella?” Caroline peered at her from her place on the sofa. They were lounging together in Arabella’s room before breakfast. A ride was planned for the day, and everyone was up earlier than normal. “You’ve been acting strange all morning. Did your excursion last night not go well? I hope the ladies were not horrid after all.”

“No,” she replied, so quick and loud that Caroline visibly startled. Arabella took a staying breath before continuing in a more moderated voice. “It was… wonderful.” Wonderful, confusing, and terrifying in equal measures.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Caroline said in relief.

“Yes, I did.”

“I suppose it would be exquisite under the light of the full moon.”

“Yes, he was.”

There was a choke as Caroline nearly spit out her tea. “What?”

“What?” Arabella flushed, realizing her mistake.