“Probably?” She repeated doubtfully.

“We either try that or announce our engagement,” Milton replied. She saw his shoulders shrug in the gloom. “There’s no choice either way, so let us get moving.”

There was nothing she could say to convince him otherwise, and deep down Arabella knew he was right. She could only hope that events played out as he predicted and the men cooperated, else she’d be a duchess by season’s end. Though, would that not be the same result were she to accept his courtship? Regardless, Arabella wanted space to decide if Nathan’s feelings were true without the pressure of outsiders.

They meandered along the beaten path; the storm getting worse by the minute. Nathan was a silent silhouette in the rapidly fading daylight, and she could only trust his sense of direction and the surefootedness of his horse to get them to their destination safely. Just when the last bit of light was slipping from the sky, they emerged into a clearing with a small cabin positioned in its middle. “Here we are,” Nathan called in relief, his voice hoarse from the exertion of leading Highwind along the rugged path. “Thank God.”

“I worried we might never find it,” she shouted over the roar of the downpour.

“For a minute there, I did as well.” He led them to the door and helped her down. “Go ahead inside while I get him settled. If we’re lucky, there will be some firewood inside for us to warm up with.”

Trying not to become bothered by the reminder that they would be spending an undetermined amount of time alone together, Arabella went inside. It was dim inside, with nothing but a stone fireplace and dusty wooden floor to greet her. It was a sparse space, one that obviously hadn’t been used in some time, but it was dry and protected from the elements, with no drips to be heard. Even better, she quickly located a small pile of firewood nestled along the wall. She made to move towards it, but swayed with a sudden dizziness. A pair of hands steadied her.

“Careful,” Milton said against her ear.

Arabella realized just how alone they were in that moment and how long it might be before anyone came looking for them. Last night’s kiss was fresh on her mind, the feel of his soft mouth and the pleasant tingle of arousal that had flooded her body after he’d hauled her against him coming forth with a vengeance. His chest had been so sturdy against her palms, the same chest that was now flush against her back.

“Shall we build a fire?” she blurted and took a step away from his heat, as inviting as it was.

“There is no ‘we’ involved.” Milton moved over to the pile of wood and began sorting through it. “I will make the fire.Youwill sit your lovely self on the floor in front of it.”

Despite wanting to protest, the weakness in her limbs only served to prove Milton correct. Slowly, so as not to stumble in an ignoble heap on the ground, she lowered to the ground and wrapped her arms around her legs in a vain attempt to keep warm. Resting her chin on her knees, she watched Milton mill about the fireplace. He was focused on his task, not speaking save for the occasional muted curse as he tried and failed to get a spark going, and she took the opportunity to consider the events of the previous few hours.

Telling him about Lindsay had been one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. Of all the reactions she’d been expecting, his uncompromising support of her plight and condemnation of her former suitor had not been one of them. For the first time in a long while, if ever, she felt like it was okay to lay the blame entirely on Lindsay, to acknowledge that she hadn’t merely been too stupid to see the obvious signs. To have someone other than Caroline believe in her for once, to see the person beyond the pathetic wallflower she’d become, was a wonderful feeling and made Arabella want to believe in the man before her to an almost painful degree.

“Milton,” she said, her voice barely a wisp of sound over the relentless pounding of the rain against the roof.

“Ha!” he shouted triumphantly as the spark took hold, obviously not hearing her muted call. “I knew I remembered from when we were boys.”

“Milton,” she tried again, a tad louder.

He only continued tending the budding flame and not turning around. “I’ll have us nice and toasty in no time. If only we had some blankets.”

She suppressed a smile, even as exasperation filled her. “Your Grace!”

“Hey now,” he replied, turning his head with a frown. “I thought we were long past addressing me as such in private.”

“You’ve been ignoring me, and I have something important to say.”

The fire was now going steady, warmth emanating from the flames and spreading into the dark cabin. It was a welcome relief to her wet clad self. It was fully dark outside by now, and she watched the firelight dance across his handsome face as he smiled at her and stood. “You may share whatever you wish. Before that, however, you should get some of those soaking clothes off.”

“Right,” she realized, and slid his coat from her shoulders to unbutton her riding habit. She peeled the soaked garment off her arms and allowed it to fall to the floor. Whilst the cotton dress beneath was damp, the heat of the fire was able to pierce it enough to warm her skin. Milton plopped down next to her, still fully clothed. Arabella frowned. “Will you not at least remove your waistcoat? Surely you must be freezing.”

“I do not wish to make you uncomfortable,” he replied. “I’m sure this situation we are in is already enough for you.”

She drew her knees to her chest once more and shyly peered at him. “I don’t mind.”

“Very well. Thank you.” Milton hesitated for only a moment before untying the intricate knot of his cravat and pulling the garment off. His waistcoat followed, and she did her best not to stare at the hard planes of his chest revealed by the damp shirt as he leaned back on his hands with a content sigh. “That is much better, even if our clothes are still wet.” He tilted his head towards her, blue eyes glittering in the firelight as his smile turned mischievous. “Youarebothered.”

Arabella snapped her gaze to the floor, a hot blush that had nothing to do with the fire staining her cheeks. “Any lady would be frazzled to see her suitor in such a state of undress.”

There was the smallest of inhales before he replied. “Does that mean my courtship is welcome, then?”

She continued staring at the crackling flames, too shy to look at him. “Yes.”

There was a shuffle before she felt a warm body sidle up against her. “Arabella,” Milton murmured. He stroked a finger along her cheek in a gentle prompt to face him. His gentle gaze warmed her far more than any flame ever could. He grasped one her hands in his elegant fingers and kissed her knuckles. “I’ll do my best not to muck things up. I seem to have a knack for that when it comes to you.”

She laughed, even as her heart pounded. “I believe in you, Milton.”