Page 6 of Courting Seduction

“I’d rather you two used my Christian name if it comes to that.”

“Does that mean I finally get to call you Artie?” Amberwood chimed in with a chuckle before taking a calming sip of brandy to settle his mirth.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Arthur replied, narrowing his eyes into dangerous slits.

“Clifton it is,” Ashford drawled.

Amberwood softened his countenance, reaching over to give Arthur a reassuring clap on the shoulder. “I know it feels bizarre. It certainly did for me. You will grow accustomed to it.” The marquess himself had been the son of a disowned third son and had held no expectations of inheriting the title that had tumbled into his lap at fifteen. If anyone understood Arthur’s turmoil, it was him.

“At least you had a prosperous estate to go with it,” Arthur replied with a sigh. He gave Amberwood a steady look, not the least bit encouraged by the apologetic frown he wore. “You neighbor my estate, I believe. Do you have any insight into the state of things?”

Amberwood grimaced. “I don’t want to lie and say everything seems well at Renwood.”

“Complete honesty, please.”

The marquess looked away from him and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. “Let’s just say I’ve had in influx of new tenant farmers in the past few years, many of whom were able to carry their furnishings by foot.”

“You poached my tenants?” Arthur inquired, his heart sinking. Things were bad indeed if some were willing to risk the complications of letting their lease expire and relocating to another estate.

“There were many complaints concerning the previous earl’s treatment of the land, or lack thereof. The man was quite the imbecile, from what I hear.”

“Lovely. This will be quite the project, then.”

“Perhaps we should investigate for ourselves?” Ashford said.

“I worry they might try to hide things from me were I to show myself. My solicitor, though he hid it well, seemed to suggest that the family was quite demanding. I imagine they must be affronted that one such as me inherited.”

Amberwood nodded. “They certainly never bothered to pay me a single call, though the previous Marquess and the Earl were good friends. I’ve been led to believe that they found my breeding lacking. I can only imagine how much of an uproar your ascension has caused.”

“Might I suggest a solution?” Ashford chimed in.

Arthur waved his hand. “We are all ears.”

“My duchess is increasing again.”

“That was quick,” Amberwood said with an amused snort into his drink.

Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Congratulations, but I fail to see how such joyous news is relevant.”

The duke gave them a soft glare. “If you’d let me finish, I will enlighten you.”

“Go on, then.”

“Theodosia was hard on Kitty’s health at the beginning, and this one seems to be doing the same. She professed a desire to leave the chaos of London for a while. Your estate is rather lovely, Amberwood, and much less of an arduous journey than my own properties. Might I suggest a small gathering?”

Amberwood rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, I will say that Sophie is already tired of the gossips this year, and I remember her expressing a desire for Kitty’s company while we were at the estate after the wedding. The boys have also gotten rather fussy as of late and could use some peace and quiet.”

Arthur considered the words. “As far as I am aware, my… family was not informed of my complete identity, only that my father had a secret family they knew nothing about. If you brought me along under the pretense of our friendship, I may be able to snoop around and get a full picture without their interference.”

“Seems like a perfect plan,” Ashford said with a nod. “Amberwood?”

The marquess paused a moment before nodding. “It is a sensible plan, and I certainly wouldn’t mind a bit of a retreat myself.”

“It’s settled, then,” Arthur said with finality, a pit of dread already forming in his stomach at the thought. “I have some business to finish up with The White Heather, so make it appear as if I am merely a last-minute addition to the party.”

“I cannot promise either of our wives won’t have sniffed you out already, but we will try,” Amberwood said.

Ashford sighed. “I’d have better luck winning a duel blindfolded against a naval officer than I would keeping something from Kitty, but I will do my best.”