Page 112 of Twisted Tyrant

“You’re insane,” Taras says.

“No, I’m the boss. And in my organization, I don’t sacrifice anyone. I handle the problems. I eliminate the threats. It’s my responsibility.”

We creep toward the house. It’s a rectangular shape with sharp edges and sleek, modern lines. But even with all the windows, I can’t get a line of sight to Boris or whoever is holding him.

And from the lack of cars in the vicinity, I can’t even tell how many are inside with him.

Did they take a fucking Uber over?

I grit my teeth. Whoever it is must know what we’re after, and that tells me the information we’re looking for can be devastating — to a hell of a lot of people.

I nod toward my brothers as we close in on the front of the home when Nikolai’s phone rings. He pulls the buzzing phone out of his pocket and frowns at the screen. “Hey, Mom.” A pause follows. “Where’s Tori? She can get you another pill and some water.”

He catches my eye and shakes his head, mouthing something that looks like “sonofabitch.”

Not fucking good.

Nikolai talks to Mom for another minute and tells her we’ll be back soon. Then he ends the call, his jaw tensing. “Tori and Natasha are gone.”

My back stiffens like a rod has just been shoved up my ass. “What do you mean? Where did they go?”

“Mom didn’t know. She said she saw them leave, and she’s been calling Tori, but nobody is answering.”

“Where would they have gone? You told them to stay put. Why the hell would they leave Mom? They know she’s a wreck right now. Christ, if she finds her pills, she’ll pop the whole damn bottle if nobody is there to watch.” Taras kicks at a rock in our path.

I pull out my own phone and dial Tori’s number. It goes straight to voicemail. I scroll through screens on my iPhone until I get to the tracking app. I’d installed a device on her phone earlier in the week just in case whoever has Val decides to come for the other Malikov daughter.

My heart damn near skids to a screeching stop. “What in the fuck?”

“What’s the problem? Did it stop tracking?” Nikolai asks.

“Yes.” I grit my teeth, staring up at the compound in front of us. Ire floods my veins, tensing every inch of my body.

“Where is she?” Taras asks.

“Here, goddammit. She’s right fucking here.”

My brothers exchange a look before turning toward me. “What the hell are you saying, Luka?” Taras bites out.

Before I can answer, my phone rings. I drop my eyes to the screen. A FaceTime call from Tori. I can’t explain why my finger hovers over the screen for a split second before I stab the green Accept Call button.

But my instincts are never wrong, and when I see it’s not Tori’s face that greets me, a sharp hitch of breath quakes my chest.

It’s Dmitri.

My temples throb as my mind tries to make sense of why the fuck he’d be here right now with Tori and Natasha.

Fuck, is Natasha even here?

I scrub a hand down the front of my face, rapidly looping through the ways I will torture this motherfucker if he lays a hand on her. On either of them.

Before I can spit out a single word, Dmitri flashes a nasty smirk at me. “Luka, you piece of shit. Took you long enough to get here. I guess your pal Boris doesn’t really rate too high in the hierarchy, yeah?”

“What the hell are you doing with Tori’s phone?” I growl, the vein in my neck throbbing as the blood bubbles and boils. “And why are you here?”

“One question at a time, cocksucker. I have Tori’s phone because I have Tori. And I’m here to make you pay your debt to my family.” The corners of his thin lips lift, and I imagine using my stiletto knife to slice them the fuck off his face.

“I don’t owe you anything, prick.”