Page 2 of Twisted Tyrant

After a moment, a fresh silence falls over the hall.

False alarm.

Another little moan turns my attention back to Natasha. I hate myself for wondering what dreamworld she’s slipped into and what she’s doing to elicit those sensual sounds. But more than that, I despise the hunger that swirls in my gut when I look at her gorgeous face. Because for as much as I try to convince myself that I hate this girl, only I know the truth. The temptation to hurl my fist through the wall above her headboard in frustration grabs hold of me.

Yes, I want retribution. I deserve it, for fuck’s sake. But I don’t like exacting it at my brother’s command, which is exactly what tonight is all about.

First, he let me take the fall for the setup that landed me in prison, and then he left me to rot in gen pop. Now, tonight, he sent me here to do his dirty work because he didn’t want to risk his own ass. Again.

And I fucking agreed. But only because we both ultimately want the same thing: revenge. There’s no one better for this job. He knows as well as I do that no amount of security stands a chance against me.

A fact I’m about to prove right now.

I slide my fingers around Natasha’s neck and squeeze.

Her eyes fly open. Clear green irises flicker with panic and confusion, the emotions making both orbs glow in the dim light. Her expression of horror eclipses the sensual look of contentment that had adorned her face only a few seconds earlier…just before I unceremoniously yanked her from her blissful dream state. She opens her mouth in a scream, but before the sound shatters the still air, I squeeze her throat harder with both hands, cutting off her windpipe and voice in a split second.

She claws at my fingers, floundering around on the bed like a fish gasping for water.

“Don’t fight,” I say. “You won’t win.”

Sharp gasps expel from her nose as she struggles against my hold. I move one hand from her throat to her hair, fisting it and yanking it hard.

Tears spring to her eyes. The straps of her flimsy tank top slip off her shoulders in the struggle, exposing the peak of one perfect breast, and my gaze drops to the dark pink nipple skimming the neckline of her top.

As of now, her life will be a perpetual nightmare of terror and torment. I let go of her and grab my gun from the waistband of my pants. Then I press my knee into her sternum, pinning her to the mattress as I graze the center of her forehead with the barrel of my gun. Natasha’s whole body trembles, shudders rippling through her when I force her gaze to meet mine.

Her lips part the slightest bit, and I slide the barrel of the gun against her temple. “If you scream, I will kill your whole family.”

“What do you want?” she whispers through chattering teeth. “M-money? I have—”

“You can’t give me what I want, Natasha. Money won’t get back everything I’ve lost. No, the debt your father racked up is too steep for money to pay off.” I remove my knee from her sternum, fist her top, and yank her up from the mattress. Her fingernails lance my flesh as I draw her closer to me.

I don’t feel the sting of her nails slicing through my skin.

I only feel one thing: rage.

Rage fuels my bloodlust and quenches my thirst for the revenge I knew would eventually come.

The instructions my brother barked at me hours earlier fade to white noise in the deep dark recesses of my tortured mind.

“I don’t want your money, Natasha. I only want you.”