Page 36 of Twisted Tyrant

“People can always find a way,” I say in a gruff voice. “But it’s up to me to eliminate those ways.”

“Tell me something, Luka. You’re as clueless as I am about the men who forced their way in here before, aren’t you?”

She closes the space between us, and my eyes fight to stay on her face when they really want to drink in every inch of her tight body from her long, shapely legs to the tits pressed tight against the soft fabric of the T-shirt she’s wearing.

Natasha continues. “The worst guys are coming. How do you think you’re going to be able to hold them off again? What happens if you can’t?”

I focus on her face in an attempt to ignore the images of her puckered ass looping through my mind.

I block out the sound of her moans and pleas for more of my punishment.

I erase the memory of her juices drowning my frenzied fingers as she lost herself and succumbed to the pleasure that I gave her.

“All you need to know is that you’ll be safe here with me. I swear to you, nobody will lay a finger on you.”

“Until the wedding, when you turn me over to Dima.”

My throat tightens. “Until the wedding.”

“Then I’m on my own.”

“It’s the way things have to be.” I tear my eyes away from her conflicted gaze. She wants answers, ones I can’t ever give her. And holding them hostage is slowly killing me.

“You saved my life before.”

“I told you, I was just doing–”

“Your job. I know. I’m not deaf.” She gazes up at me, reaching out to graze my arm. “Do you think Dima would have done the same things to save me?”

A shiver shuttles through me at her soft, tentative touch. “He’ll make sure you’re protected.” I nearly choke on the lie, knowing full well that he’d sell her to the highest bidder to protect his own ass.

“The same way you would?”

My breath hitches, and the deceptive words on the tip of my tongue hover in obstinance, refusing to be spoken.

The truth is nobody would protect her like I would.

And nobody ever could.

I cover her hand with my own, peeling it off my arm. “Don’t question me.”

“I’ll stop questioning you when you finally give me an answer.”

“Oh, you want answers?” I grab her by the shoulders and pull her so close that we’re practically lip to lip. “You think that’s gonna make everything better? Knowing the truth about things you can’t possibly understand?”

Sparks of fury mixed with desire ignite in the depths of her aqua eyes. “I think it’s a good start. And while we’re at it, I’d love to know why you’re so anxious to hand me off to a brother you clearly hate when you’re the one who can’t keep your hands off of me.”