“I’ve never had any complaints before. And I’ve got plenty of repeat customers.” I wink and pull away, but that crackle of electricity still hums between us.

“You never did aim too high with your choices.” Her eyes darken, and the jolt intensifies.

“I didn’t know you were paying such close attention.” My lips curl into a smirk, and a hint of pink spots her cheeks. Caught!

I knew she was watching. She’s always watching. It’s part of the reason why she’s so damn good at her ‘job’ as a relationship manager.

“It’s hard not to notice when a gaggle of mindless, shameless, yappy women think they’ve found their prize.”

“What the hell is a gaggle?”

She rolls her eyes and pushes past me with a deep sigh.

“I’m kidding. But seriously, you give me a lot more credit than I deserve. I work with one or two at a time, tops. Never a whole gaggle.” I chuckle. “Although, I’d be open to it.”

Kat tucks a stray strand of hair back into the bun thing and swivels to face me. Any hint of emotion has been wiped away, leaving only her signature expression behind. It’s so cold, I actually get a chill.

And it hits me right in the groin.

“Alexi! Bring me the key!” she calls out, her ice-blue eyes still focused on me. I’m caught. I can’t break the spell…and I’m damn sure it’s a spell she’s cast on me, too. My limbs go numb, I can’t think straight, and my dick twitches. That’s about the only part of me that can function at all when she catches me in that penetrating gaze.



I’m pretty sure she knows the effect it has on me, too. She loves the control. And this is only an example of what she can do with her eyes…

Fuck me.

I’d like to see more. Much more.

A loud thumping forces my attention away from Kat. I turn to see a tall guy stomping down the hall with a key ring dangling from one hand. He’s taller than me and muscular, with light hair and eyes. And there’s nothing friendly about him. He walks toward us, his heavy, black work boots thumping on the floor. His face is twisted into a grimace and his fiery glare is fixed right on me.

What the hell did I do to him?

Although…he looks kind of familiar.

Maybe there’s a reason for the death look after all.

He hands her the keys without taking his eyes off of me. He says nothing, but then again, his menacing stare speaks volumes. I stretch myself to my full height, still falling short.

Way short. He’s a goddamn giant. A Russian giant whose body has clearly responded well to all the bottles of vodka he’s probably guzzled over the years.

Fucking scotch. I gotta make the switch to clear liquor.

“Who’s this guy?” Alexi finally opens his mouth, his voice a low growl.

“Relax,” Kat says, swinging the key ring around her finger. “He’s a friend of Nico’s. He’s safe.”

Safe. How hot is that?

I square my shoulders, thinking tall, hoping it adds the perception of some height. “Safe is not a word people would use to describe me.”

“Sorry. I didn’t know that word was so offensive.”

“Just so we’re clear. I am very dangerous.” I eye Alexi and see his jaw twitch.

“Then we just might have a problem.” Alexi steps closer to me and his voice drops even lower. How is that even possible?