“Kat,” he pants. “What the fuck—?”

I grasp his belt and tug. “Do you want me, Rocco?”

His shoulders quake, his breathing still labored. But those eyes…they tell me everything I want to know.

I just need him to speak the words.

“Yeah,” he rasps, snaking an arm around my waist. “I want you bad, Kat. But—”

I shake my head. “No buts.”

“No buts, huh? Fuck me,” A smirk lifts his deliciously swollen lips. “I was really hoping you were that girl.”

I rub my hand over his jeans, cupping his hard cock over the denim.

He lets out a groan. “Christ, Kat…what the hell are we doing?”

“I know exactly what I’m doing,” I murmur, tickling his ear with my tongue and teeth. “And I know exactly what I want to do.”

“Kat, we can’t…” He squeezes his eyes shut and rakes a hand through his hair. “We just can’t.”

I drop my hand, my jaw damn-near hitting the floor. “Are you kidding me right now? I’m throwing myself at you, and you’re turning me down?”

“I just…it’s not the best time, and—” He looks around, avoiding my eyes. “I don’t want it to be like this.” He turns back to me, eyes narrowed. “Besides, you didn’t give a shit about this before you saw me with another girl.”

“Two girls,” I mutter, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

“Oh, right, sorry. Two girls.” He shakes his head and backs away from me. “You know, you can’t dick around with me one minute and then ignore me the next one. I’m not a fucking yo-yo.”

“Sorry,” I grumble. “So sensitive. I didn’t realize you were that guy.”

He shakes his head, his mouth…the one that was plastered against mine only seconds ago…is now twisted into a grimace. “Yeah, well, I guess I am.” With a glare that extinguishes every last ember of desire flickering in my body, he stalks away without another word.

I watch him stalk to the back of the club, probably to find one or both of the bitches I sent packing. I clench my fists tight, my long fingernails digging into the flesh. It hurts at first, but I ignore the pain and I dig harder. I may even be drawing blood. I don’t give a fuck.

My threshold for pain is pretty high. And after what I’ve been through?

It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than a rejection from Rocco Lucchese to make me shed a tear.

The colored rays of light illuminate the dance floor. Everyone is dancing, smiling, and laughing. There’s also a damn lot of PDA, some that should really be taken to a different location. Some people…and I can’t exactly exclude myself based on the scene I just caused…just have no shame. And the rest of them? Hell, they’re drunk off their asses and having a great time.

I’ve never felt so goddamn alone in my life.

My throat tightens. It was nice for those fleeting moments to have someone’s arms around me, someone to take away the anger and fill the void. To feel wanted on a deeper level…it’s what I crave…what I’ve been craving since I met Rocco.

I never cared about that before. Sex was a cold and temporary escape, a distraction from my quest for vengeance.

For so many years, my sole focus was finding the bastards who took the lives of Mom and Lili. The last relationship I had was with Remy eight years ago. Remy whom I never saw again after that fateful day.

Dad couldn’t get away from that part of our lives fast enough.

So I never got to say goodbye.

The loose ends in my past…Christ, there are too many to count.

I pound my fists against the column behind me and storm over to the ladies’ room to fix my lipstick. If I can’t seduce Rocco, I’m sure I can find a suitable substitute.

Because tonight of all nights, I really don’t want to be alone.