
It can’t be. It just can’t.

Not tonight, of all nights.

I blink fast, gripping my clutch bag tight in my fist.

It must have been a ghost.

And then his face appears again. It’s in the distance, amid sweaty bodies moving and shaking to the dance beats, but it’s him.

I’d stake my life on it.

But why would he be here? At Max’s club on opening night? When he lives on the other side of the country?

Blood rushes between my ears, muting the sounds of electronica and laughter. It’s been a long time, but I’d recognize him anywhere.

Strong jaw, deep set black eyes, longish hair that always looks sexed up.

It looks just like Remy.

My breath hitches, and I grab onto the side of the wall for balance. Suddenly, my limbs turn into limp noodles and an ache in my chest reminds me what happened the last time I saw him.

I always wondered what I’d do if I saw him again, if my feelings would be the same as they were years ago.

They’re not. In fact, the only feeling that consumes me at this moment is nausea.

So much for young love.

My stomach roils and beads of perspiration form along the back of my neck. I flex my toes and walk around the side of the bar. I have to get out of here. Panic sets in, and I try to calm my breathing.

It can’t have been him. How would it even be possible since he lives on the other side of the country? I press my fingertips to my temples, but the throbbing continues.

This is not real.I repeat those words to myself over and over. I’ve been such a wreck lately that I must have made it up in my head. That’s the only reasonable explanation.

I cannot lose my shit here. Rocco’s rejection, my near-brawl in the ladies’ room, and now this?

It was a bad idea to come tonight, and now I’m stuck because there might be more vodka running through my veins than blood.

I fumble in my bag for my phone and pull it out, my hand shaking. I order an Uber, praying it’ll be here fast, and within five minutes, I’m sliding into the back of a Toyota Corolla.

It’s not until my head leans against that leather cushion that I allow the tears to fall. They fall in silence as I twist my hands together. My condo isn’t too far from the club, and I drag myself out of the car after grunting something about having a good night to my driver. They were the only words we’d exchanged, and that was fine with me. Some Uber drivers never shut the hell up, but Aaron didn’t say boo once we exchanged hellos.

Thank you, Aaron…

I unlock the door to the building and clutch my stomach. Beaten down is the best description for how I feel, and there’s only one person I want here to comfort me.

Even though he’s partially to blame for said nausea.

I slowly lean into the door to open it, debating whether or not to text him. I scoff at the idea in my mind. What in the hell would I even say?

Hey, Rocco, I know you just rejected me in the most humiliating way possible, but I’m really upset and could use a friend to talk to right now. See, I think I saw my old boyfriend at the club, and I haven’t seen him since the day my mother and sister were butchered by some lunatic. And since tomorrow is the anniversary of their death, I’m a little weirded out. Can you come over?

“Argh!” I throw my fists into the air when a strong hand grips the back of my coat, shoving me inside the lobby.

I don’t pause to think; I just twist around and shrug out of my assailant’s grip, launching my fist straight into his throat. “Get the fuck off of me!”

Then I gasp and cover my mouth. “Alexi!”