“I’m pretty badass,” I say, a smirk playing at my lips.

He says nothing, just stares through narrowed eyes.

Inhales. Exhales. Glares.

I’m slowly choking to death, but still I manage to look unaffected.

Top enforcer. Fuck, yeah. I’ll focus on that than being poisoned by secondhand smoke.

“I need to make sure Katarina is kept safe.”

“You do know your daughter can probably take on any army of thugs singlehandedly, right? With or without a weapon?”

“I’m well aware of her abilities. I trained her.”

“So why do you need me? Why not have your guy Alexi watch her?” I float his name out there, trying somewhat to hide my distaste for that guy. It doesn’t really work.

Viktor’s expression tenses for a split second, so fast, I almost question whether or not I actually witnessed it. A long pause follows before he opens his mouth to speak. “You know, one of the things I like best about Nico is his ability to sense danger and deceit.”

I nod and wait for more exposition, hoping he doesn’t talk me in circles again.

“He knows how to avoid it and how to protect the ones he cares about.”

“Yes,” I agree. He does. He just has a fucked-up way of going about it.

“He surrounds himself with people who carry out his directives, not because he’s lining their pockets, but because they believe in him. They have blind faith, if you will.”

Fucking A right. Blind faith. That’s a good way of putting it. Nico always knows. Nico always protects. Nico always defends.

“He takes care of his own,” I say, finally contributing something of value.

Viktor nods. “That’s why I asked you to come down here. Let me be clear. I had my doubts about you, still do.” His blue eyes narrow to slits yet again as he takes another long drag on the cigarette. “But I don’t question his judgment. And while I’m away taking care of my business, I need you to look after my interests here.”

Okay, so he basically just told me he doesn’t trust his own guys with his daughter. He trusts Nico more than ‘his own.’

That’s fucked up.

“I’ll take care of it. Of her.” I don’t understand why there’s so much urgency, but I don’t dare ask the question. Always look like you know what the hell you’re doing even when you don’t. Ignorance is definitely not bliss in our line of work.

My fingers are itching to dial Nico’s number, to find out why he let me come into the city to meet Viktor, blind as a bat.

“She won’t be easy to handle,” he says, his voice grave. “You’ll need to get to her as soon as possible and keep her close. Just find a way.” Viktor pushes his chair back and stands up. “And, Rocco,” he says.


“Keep this conversation to yourself, along with everything else you know. Katarina must not hear anything about it. Do you understand? If she finds out…” He sighs, his shoulders sagging. “It will be deadly for all of us.”

An understatement if I ever heard one.

That much I know for sure.