
Iwatch as Kat pulls out a rubber band and fluffs out her hair. It spills down her back in long waves, and I really hope she leaves it loose. My fingers twitch, the sensation of fisting those soft dark strands still vivid in my memory.

That’s not why you’re here…

I don’t know what I expected by coming over here today after that scene in the club. The Closed sign told the world she didn’t want company.

But I had a job to do, and I found her, like I said I would.

I just had no idea she was having a nervous breakdown.

Something happened, something she’s not telling me. It’s why she came after me last night and attacked me on the dance floor. I’d like to believe it was because she feels the same way about me that I do about her, but I’m not an idiot.

Kat doesn’t do feelings.

She does guns. And knives. And ice picks.

And I think today probably shocked her as much as it did me.

Still, she agreed to come home with me.

Maybe I can get her to talk after all.

Anything to keep her close.


Wine would loosen her up. Screw the vodka. Her body is immune to the shit by now.

She runs her fingers through her hair and turns toward me with her bag in hand. There are bright pink spots on her cheeks and her eyes have a little more light in them than they did a while ago.

I help her pack everything away…supplies, food, everything cluttering up the place…and after playing with the animals for a little longer, she’s ready to go. I don’t push. Kat’s a control freak, whether or not she knows it. Better to let her call the shots if I have any chance of getting through to her and hanging on to her until further notice.

“You’re a pretty good helper,” she murmurs, locking the front door behind her once we’re outside. “Thanks for staying with me.”

It feels like everything I thought I knew about this woman has changed in the past twenty-four hours.

I mean, I figured I’d come here, find her, and spend the rest of the time ducking while she threw heavy and coma-inducing shit at me for rejecting her last night.

Instead, I found someone very different, someone I didn’t know before, and someone I want to get to know a lot better.

She walks toward her car and my mouth finally decides to start working. “Why don’t you ride with me?” Part of me says it out of obligation to Viktor, but the other part just wants her next to me.

Under me.

On top of me.

Shit. Here we go.

Repeat after me…

There will be no wine. There will be no sex.

Fuck my life, why can’t I stop thinking about her naked for one second?

She furrows her brow. “And leave my car here all night?”

“Well, I can take you back for it tomorrow.”