She doesn’t follow the rules.

It’s just her nature.

It’s also why we’re in this situation.

They call Max a loose cannon, but dammit, Kat is just as bad. She’s got the same killer instinct, same impulsive nature. They’re a lot alike, which is probably why they get along so well.

Like Kat, Max goes against orders when he thinks it’s for the right reason. He doesn’t ever worry about consequences or backlash. Also, he loves the kill…can’t forget about that.

No wonder why Nico picked me to take on this role instead of Max.

My moral compass doesn’t always point due north, but at least I have enough sense to stand down when the shit storm approaches.

And it’s coming. Fast and fierce.

“Are you trying to figure out how to explain me to your family?” She narrows her eyes. “Why the hell aren’t you driving? Do you want me to change my mind?”

There’s an edge to her voice, a hardness that shields all of the other shit she’s trying to keep protected. And suddenly, she’s back to being the badass I love to hate. Hate to love. Whatever the hell. It’s her.

“No, I don’t want you to change your mind. I want to take you home with me.” Shiiiiit. Did I really just say that? “I mean, um, I don’t think you should be alone, and it’ll, ah, be good for you to eat something…” I clear my throat, a hot flush creeping up the sides of my face. “Not me, of course, I meant like, dinner. And maybe you could use a drink. Or five.”

“I’d love to feed you a few drinks and see how that goes. Although I don’t know if I could possibly be more entertained than I am at this second,” she drawls, a sexy grin lifting her lips.

My body is so overheated, I might just spontaneously combust right here in the front seat. What the fuck am I thinking? And why can’t I keep my damn mouth shut? My foot belongs on the brake, not in my throat! “Sorry, um, I didn’t mean for things to come out that way. I just…I don’t know. You look like you could use a friend.”

She nods. “You’re right. But I guess you’ll have to do.”

I let out a snort of laughter. “You’re a real charmer, anyone ever tell you that?”

“Yeah, usually when I have them in a chokehold. That’s when I hear all the good shit.”

I grin at her. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall.”

“Well, seeing as how you’ve been in one of those chokeholds…” She waggles her eyebrows at me. “You have firsthand knowledge about how it all goes down.”

I put the car into Drive and press my foot on the gas to merge back into traffic. “Point taken. I’m sure you’ve heard it all.”

Kat lets out a little sigh and leans back against the seat. We sit in silence over the next few minutes until we arrive at my parents’ house. They took my recommendation about an impromptu trip down to Boca to visit my grandmother and aunt tomorrow, and I’m sure they’re in full-blown packing mode right now. My mom hates when I bring over unannounced guests, especially when the house isn’t in perfect order. But there wasn’t time to call, and I really need Stoli 2.

Katreally needs Stoli 2.

I turn off the engine and get out of the car, jogging around to the other side. I pull open Kat’s door and hold out my hand. She grasps it in hers…it’s so soft and warm and I don’t want to let it go when she’s standing in front of me, the perfect height for me to just dip my head and graze my lips with hers…


“Hey! I don’t know you were bringing company!” Lindy’s excited voice carries over to us at the curb, and I swallow a groan. She’s not here so I can make a move on her. She’s here to get away from whatever demons are chasing her today. “Mom’s going to flip out. The place is a mess because we’re still packing!”

“Don’t judge,” I whisper to Kat. “My mom is gonna be pissed that I’m bringing you here without giving her advance notice of like a month.” I shake my head. “Italian moms, what can I say? Their main goal in life is making sure their family is fed well. At least, that’s how it is here. Food is king.”

Kat giggles. “I’m awesome at ordering takeout.”

I clutch my chest in mock horror. “Takeout? That’s blasphemy right there. Keep that on lockdown, okay?

She nods, still holding my hand. The streetlights have just flickered on, casting a glow on her face. Her eyes twinkle a bit, and she is finally looking more like herself. The sex kitten-slash-assassin I’ve come to know, lust after, and fear, if I’m being honest.

She squeezes my hand before dropping it and it hits me like a shot to the chest. I watch her walk past me toward the front door, her hips swaying back and forth in that soft, velvety material. I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s fucking nice, and I’d like to see her wear more of it so I can rub myself all up on her—

Christ, enough! I clutch the sides of my head and follow her up the short staircase. Lindy watches from the family room window and flings open the door to welcome us inside. “Come in! It’s freezing! How are you in flip-flops?”