“I don’t need a fucking babysitter!” I yell, pounding on the steering wheel with my fist.

“Look, whatever is happening there isn’t something he wanted you to see. So just calm the fuck down and pick me up.”

A gasp escapes my lips. Holy shit. What if I wasn’t seeing things that night at Max’s club? What if it really was Remy?

I take a few deep breaths, not that it does much good. Rage bubbles deep inside of me, so damn close to erupting with a force even I can’t imagine.

“I know you’re thinking about it,” Alexi says. “Just take a breath and come over. I’ll be waiting.”

I end the call and throw my phone on the seat next to me. I fist my hands and clutch the sides of my head, letting out the most horrifying scream in this quiet New Jersey suburb. Much as I hate to admit it, Alexi is right. I don’t know what this meeting is about or who it’s with, and I don’t ever go into Red Square unprotected. You just never know. And stupid me, I didn’t think before I stormed out of Rocco’s house.

Seems like that’s happening to me a lot more lately. That shit stops now.

I lean down and feel around on the floor under both seats until my finger hits something hard.


I slide out a gun case and unzip it to reveal a gleaming black Beretta. I pick it up and turn it over in my hands. Fully loaded. Fucking fabulous.

The tears have long since dried up, and I can feel the badass seeping back into my veins.

It feels good. I’ve missed it. And now I’m ready to unleash it.

Thank you, Rocco.

I put the car into gear and shift up, merging back onto the road. I clutch the steering wheel, pressing my foot on the gas. I manage to ignore all of the questions flooding my mind as I drive to Alexi’s apartment.

My phone dances on the seat next to me, buzzing with intensity. Someone is trying really hard to get to me. Alexi, Rocco, who the fuck ever. I never take my eyes off the road. Whoever is calling me can just wait like I have for the past eight years!

But today the wait is finally over. I don’t know who or what I’ll find at Red Square, but I won’t leave until I get the answers I need to hear, the ones I should have heard a very long time ago.

Papa kept me in the dark for too long.

Today, I will make things right…bring every seedy word of truth into the light…one way or another.