“Ian Raines had fucked Viktor over left and right, and Viktor let it go because he knew that going after Raines would get Kat killed. Raines was a big money maker for the Cinques, and he was slowly crushing Viktor’s businesses. When Kat got wind of what Raines was doing, how he was stealing from Viktor and how Viktor was allowing it to happen, she took matters into her own hands. Killing Raines cost the Cinques a ton of cash. And now the Cinques want to take back what’s theirs and collect on the debt.”

“So why not just kill Viktor? Why does Kat have anything to do with this?

“Remy wants Viktor to suffer the way he and his mom did. That’s why they killed his wife and daughter. Killing Viktor would put him out of his misery. Too easy.” He pauses and looks at me. “They’re gonna kill Kat and make him see how bad life can get when you lose everything. Remy doesn’t give a shit about money. He only wants revenge.”

My throat tightens, but I still manage to choke out some words. “Do you really th—?”

“It’s what I’d do,” he says, his voice sharp and cold, void of any emotion.

“Jesus Christ,” I moan, dialing Kat’s number once again. Still nothing. “Do you think she’s there? Is that why Viktor wanted you to meet him at Red Square? He was trying to get you down there so the Cinques would take care of you at—?"

“I don’t know, okay?” Nico slams his foot on the brake and turns to face me, his face red. “I don’t have the answers, Rocco. I get that you’re nervous about Kat. That’s why we’re here. We’re gonna find her.”

I cover my face with my hands. “Fuck! I shoulda told Max to come here instead of going to my parents’ house. We need his brand of crazy right now, and one of the other guys coulda watched the house.”

“Do you think I’m an idiot?” Nico accelerates as the light turns green and hangs a right down a darkened side street in lower Manhattan. “Why do you and Max constantly question me? Have I really ever steered you wrong? Fucking ever?”

“I know, I know!” I slam my fist on the door. “This is just really bad.”

“No shit, Sherlock!” He pulls into an alleyway and stops the car behind a large dumpster. “Come on. Red Square is around the corner and they’ll be watching. The car’ll be fine here, and we’ll get in through the back entrance.”

“Are you sure we don’t need backup?”

“Do I need to ask my question again?”

“No…” I feel around under my coat. “Fuck me, I don’t have a gun.”

Nico rolls his eyes and reaches under the seat behind him. He pulls out three guns, keeping two for himself.

“How come you get two?”

“Because you’re the moron who let Kat steal your car and your gun.” He nods at the door. “Let’s move.”

This area of the city is usually pretty dead, today being no exception. And I’m sure that’s what the Cinques were counting on, too.

Lucky them.

Unlucky for the rest of us.

We run across the street and creep through another alleyway behind a dilapidated factory until we reach the fenced-in clearing behind Red Square.

“I think this is a stupid idea. We need backup,” I mutter, unlocking the safety and peering around us.

“Relax. We’ll be ready in one, two, three—"

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I put my hand on Nico’s arm. “Wait,” I whisper. I stare at the phone. It’s a text from Max.

Lindy’s missing. Your dad said she went out this morning to pick up some things for the trip. Never came back.

My heart jumps into my throat and damn-near chokes me as I hold out the phone. Nico backs away from the door. “Sonofabitch,” he growls, looking at his watch.

Gio and Sammy, two of his security guys from his nightclub, run through a hole in one of the fences. Nico cocks an eyebrow at me but says nothing.

“Nico,” I hiss. “What the fuck is going on? We need to find Lindy! Jesus Christ, if they took her…if they lay a finger on her…” I fist my hair and pace around, trying to think. She disappeared this morning. Kat took off this morning. Nico was supposed to meet Viktor this morning.

The Cinques want us all dead and they’ll use whomever they need to get to us.

Including my sister, who, up until this point, thought I was a bouncer at a nightclub.