The whimpering gets louder, and I know I’m close. The only problem is, so does everyone else.

I dart down another hallway. It seems like this turn is taking me deeper into the Russian den of sin, and the farther in I go, the less likely I will be to get out. They’ll corner me from behind, and I know someone…or a bunch of someones…is waiting for me to come pounding down doors.

More gunshots make my breath hitch. I stop and slam back into a wall outside another room, trying to pull in some air so I don’t suffocate before I’ve had a chance to end this nightmare. This is the one. The cries for help are deafening. Someone is yelling something in Russian. Footsteps pound on the floor behind me. I’m cornered. I’ve got two choices. Storm the room and take out whomever I can in the process or wait here like a sitting duck.

I don’t like either option.

I arch my back, lifting my leg to kick open the door, ignoring all of the warnings bleeping in my brain. As far as I know, my backup is toast. I don’t know who’s coming for me, and I don’t know what waits for me behind this door.

All I know is I have to make a move while I still can.

With a final deep breath, I launch my leg out at the same time a large body hurls itself at me, pummeling me to the dirty, cigarette butt-covered floor.

“You go in there, you’re dead, asshole,” Nico mutters. “Use your brain, dammit!”

I twist my head around to find Nico panting over me. The front of his coat is splattered with dark red spots and he grimaces as he pops another clip into his gun.

“Fuck, man. Are you hit?”

“Just grazed my arm. I’m fine. That’s more than I can say for Gio,” he says through clenched teeth.

“What about Sammy?”

“He’s okay. Took out about four of these assholes and now he’s trying to find Xiomar Cinque. I know he’s here. Those were his guys we took out, not the Russians.”

“And I found Vik—”

Nico nods before I can even finish. “I know. I saw.” He lifts an eyebrow. “Are you ready for this?”

“No, but we’re going in anyway.” I leap to my feet, and Nico follows. “Okay, on three. One, two—”

“Three, motherfuckers!”

I jump back as Max launches himself at the closed door, kicking it open and landing feet first inside. With guns in each hand, he starts shooting. “It’s a fucking party now, assholes!”

My eyes dart left and right as gunfire blares out in the large space. Bodies hit the ground as Max and Nico take them out one by one. Shots are being fired in every direction, but where are the girls? I know I heard Lindy from outside the door. And Cinque…what the hell did he—?

I pop a couple of shots at two guys who look like they’ve had two bottles too many of vodka, and they collapse onto the floor. But there’s a small army headed in here now. I can hear the shouting and the gunfire behind the walls. The A-team is about to attack.

Max and Nico dive behind a metal table and flip it onto its side as bullets pepper the top of it. Max peeks his head around the side, still shooting. “Rocco, go and find the girls!”

I turn on my heel, my legs twitching to run through the place. I leave Nico and Max, and head in the opposite direction. They’re here. I know they are. I creep toward another doorway, away from the firefight and stumble into a wall. “Fuck!” I groan, collapsing to the floor next to Gio’s limp and bloody body. Dammit, Gio was a good guy. How much more blood is gonna be on my hands at the end of this shit show? I say a silent prayer that Max and Nico can hold off the rest of the guys, and that Sammy doesn’t get his ass shot up before he can get there to help them. I pull myself off the floor and limp around a corner. There’s only one more room…only one more chance…

I grip the handle and push open the door.

“Mnph!” A muffled cry makes my breath hitch. “Lindy!” I whisper. “Thank fuck!”

She stomps her feet, her eyes wild. “Achahhhuut!” Her cries are muffled, and I can’t make out what the hell she’s trying to say.

I hold up a hand, the gun cocked and ready in my other one, just in case. “Shh, it’s okay. I’ll get you—"

A strong hand yanks me backward, a heavy metal piece pressed hard against my temple. Goddammit. I never bothered to look behind me…

“Were you looking for me, Lucchese?” A deep voice hisses into my ear. “Because I’ve been looking for you.”

Xiomar Cinque’s grip on the back of my coat tightens. “So has your sister. Pretty girl. I could have some real fun with her. Tell me, did you ever think about Lindy when you were infiltrating my organization? Did you ever think about your parents? Your grandmother? Did you ever really think you were gonna get away with this shit and not suffer the consequences?”

I clench my teeth. Please, please, please no… “Xiomar, you have me, okay? Just leave everyone else out of this. I’m the one you want. Forget the rest of them.”