“Or that’s what they want us to think,” I mutter.

“It doesn’t make sense, but we need to get Viktor out of here.” Nico runs a hand through his hair and looks at me. “Are you sure Kat came here?”

“No, I have no idea where she went. But I’m sure she went looking for Viktor and he’s here, so where else would she go?”

Nico’s eyes drop to the floor, letting out a deep sigh. He’s not saying it, but I know what he’s thinking. They’ve already got her, and that’s why Viktor is here. They beat the shit out of him and they’re going to make him watch them kill the last of his family. “Xiomar didn’t kill you.”

“Wow, you’re fucking observant,” I say, kicking a stone on the ground. “No, he didn’t. And I didn’t kill him. So where the hell did he go? And why didn’t he take me out?”

Nico fists his hair. “I don’t know, okay?”

“You’re supposed to know everything, though,” Max says, waggling his eyebrows. “You never share any of it, but you know it all.”

Nico grabs Max by the collar. “Shut the hell up,” he growls.

“Why do these people want to kill you?” Lindy sniffles. “Why is this happening? Oh my God, I don’t want to die! I don’t want any of us to die! Rocco, we have to leave and go to the police. They’ll help us, right?”

I exchange a look with Max and Nico. “Uh, no, actually. They won’t. We, um, we play for different teams, us and the cops.”

Lindy’s eyes can’t possibly get any bigger in this second. “Let’s just pray I have a chance to explain all of this later.” I nod at Nico. “In the meantime, get her out of here. Put her in your car and get her the hell out of the city.”

“I’m not leaving without you” Lindy cries, throwing her arms around my neck. “Don’t make me go alone. I’m so scared!”

“What the fuck is going on over here? You guys having a private party out here while I plug these cocksuckers?” Sammy jogs over and peeks over his shoulder. “I think I got ’em all.”

Max pokes him. “Dickhead. You got like three of them. Don’t try to steal all the credit.”

Sammy grins and nods at Lindy. “Why’s she still here? You idiots want her to get killed?”

Nico grabs Sammy’s collar and pushes him out the door. “I’m gonna walk you through the back lot to make sure it’s clear.” He drops his keys into Sammy’s hand. “Get her out of the city as fast as you can and take her back to Rocco’s parents’ house. The guys are there watching over things. We’ll get Viktor out of here and figure out what to do next.”

Sammy nods and clasps Lindy’s hand. “Come on. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”

Lindy’s face makes her doubts about that pretty clear. She turns a tearful eye at me, her lips curling into a small smile. “I love you,” she whispers before hugging me one last time. “Please be careful.”

“I’ll see you at home soon.” I ruffle her hair.

“Promise?” she asks.

I nod, poking Sammy. “Go. Now.”

They creep out the back door, and I turn to Max. “What the hell is going on here?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t know, man. Nobody tells me shit.” He pops a new clip into his gun. “But we need to get Vik outta here pronto. If any of those shitheads are still standing, they’re gonna be back soon.”

Those words ring out in my head. Xiomar could have taken me out but didn’t. He disappeared instead, leaving us here to fight off his guys. Leaving Viktor.


An icy hand snakes around my heart and squeezes. “They’re coming back,” I croak. “Viktor is here waiting. They didn’t kill him because they want him alive to see them…” I swallow hard. “To see them kill Kat.”

“That doesn’t explain why Xiomar didn’t kill you when he had the chance.”

A loud clicking sound from behind me makes me stumble forward into Max.

“So smart, yet so fucking stupid.” I put my hand on the wall to regain my footing and twist around to see Xiomar grinning and shaking his head. “The same reason why I brought your pretty little sister down here. You’re gonna watch me kill her before I put a bullet in your pea-sized brain.”