Sometimes I don’t even think he gives a shit that his dad is dead. He loves the kill, and he’ll take any excuse he can get to add another notch to his belt.

I don’t want to be a killer. I don’t want this life.


There is no way out, Nico.

You have responsibilities.

Shaye squeezes her arms around my hips, sobbing like the world is about to end. And I can’t even fucking reassure her that when we step outside of this door, we’ll be safe.

Because the truth is, I just don’t know.

A loud knock makes me jump. “Yeah?” I call out.

“It’s me.” Max. Thank fuck.

“Only you?”

A second passes. “Yeah. Duke is waiting outside your office.”

I bend down and cup Shaye’s chin in my hand. “Babe, try to calm down a little. We’re fine.”

“But what if they’re out there? What if they’re just hiding until you open the door? What if—?”

“Shaye,” I whisper. “I promise, we’re fine.”

How many more fucking lies, Nico?

I stroke the back of her head. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

She shakes her head, tears streaming down her face. Black eye makeup is streaked across her cheeks, but her wig is securely in place. There is no way I’m going to have her walking around this place without her disguise. I drape my jacket around her shoulders so she doesn’t look as much like a felony waiting to happen.

I drop a kiss on top of her head and cross the room with a few steps. I crack open the door and pull Max inside, shutting it tight and locking it behind us.

“Okay, what happened? Do we know who did it?”

I shake my head and rub the back of my neck. “I’m waiting to hear back from Duke.” I toss him my phone so he can see the damage done to Carlo in the back parking lot. One of the best things about this location was probably the worst one for Carlo. It’s dark and desolate behind the club, and the cops stay far away because I pay them to do just that. Nobody would have seen or heard anything, and the only way he’d have been found was if someone went outside for a smoke.

And that’s exactly what happened.

“Holy fuck,” Max mutters. “Where is he now?”

“Max, I don’t fucking know anything!” I let out a deep sigh and slap my hands on my pants. Christ, I can’t lose my shit right now. Not in front of Shaye. Not in front of anyone.

Max furrows his brow at me, his lips stretched into a tight line. “Relax. We’ll figure it all out.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” I button the front of my shirt and slip on my shoes, avoiding Shaye’s tearful stare. Keep it together, asshole. If not for you, then for her.

He tosses my phone back to me and I dial another number, one that seems to be on speed dial for me lately. “Doc? Yeah, it’s me. I need you down here. Yesterday.”

“I’ll leave now.”


I look up and meet Shaye’s gaze. I kneel down on the carpet in front of her, lacing my fingers with hers. “Babe, we need to go.”

She nods, her hands shaking in my grasp. “O-okay.” I pull her to her feet, steadying her in her heels.