Rocco dangles the bloody shoe in front of her. “That’s not a nice thing to say when I come bearing gifts.”

She recoils and grabs her gun, pointing it at him. “Get that bloody thing the fuck away from me.”

“But they’re…” He peers into the shoe. “Jimmy Choos. And really? You’re gonna shoot me after I saved your life? Don’t you think I at least deserve a thank you? And maybe a blow job?”

She snorts and pushes past him, hobbling on one shoe-clad foot, headed in the direction of the door. “As if I’d ever willingly lay a finger on you.”

“Who said anything about your finger?”

Kat flips him off and reaches for her gun again, but I hold up a hand. “Shut the hell up, guys. Someone’s back there.” I squint at the bottom of the door and dark shadows move around in the light.

Kat reaches out to grab the door handle, but I push her straight into Rocco right before it swings open, slamming against the wall. We fall to the floor and duck down behind some tables, guns raised.

“Guys! Don’t fucking shoot!” Max’s voice echoes in the empty back room, and a hand suddenly appears from one side of the doorway, waving in mock surrender.

“Max! What the hell are you doing in there?” I leap to my feet and rush past Kat and Rocco.

“I came in through the back. Just in case there was trouble up front.”

“So he could make a fast getaway.” Rocco snickers.

“No, dickhead, it was so I could surprise the enemy.” Max glowers at me. “Seriously, Nico? This guy?”

“Can you guys cut this shit out for now? We already took out the asshole who hit my dad, but there’s no sign of Luca. That means he’s somewhere else.”

“Great detective work, Sherlock.” Max rakes a hand through his hair. “But there’s something else you should see. Luca was here, and from the looks of it, pretty recently.” Max waves us into the back room.

Kat is on my heels as we follow Max inside, craning her neck to get a look at what Max already found. “Jesus Christ!” she gasps.

“Goddamn…” Rocco mumbles. “It’s Matteo Fabrizzi, with a hole punched through his fucking throat.”

Just like Carlo Batta.

Luca had been here.

That was what smelled so rancid when we came in.

And he killed his second in command. Beat him to death, and for what?

Because he knew I’d show up here, and he wanted me to know that there are no limits to what he’ll do to get what he wants and who he will destroy if they get in his way.

As if I didn’t already know that.

I’d seen it first fucking hand.