Not my brightest idea, although my plan was to remain undetected.

So far none of Nico’s thug bouncers have picked me out of the crowd, although how could they in this freaking pitch blackness? Besides, my disguise is foolproof!

I can still feel the guy’s hot breath on my skin. I didn’t acknowledge his innuendo, yet he’s still glued to my back. Fuck. I need to break away as soon as I get a clear path. My foot finally hits the bottom step and the crowd spills into a dim corridor illuminated only by red and purple strobe lights. The pulsating electronic dance beats vibrate the floor beneath my feet, making my escape that much harder. I manage to sidestep the woman in front of me, attempting to evade my stalker. I back away from the crowd, twisting away to gather my bearings. My foot slams into something hard and a loud moan makes me jump about two feet into the air. I let out a yelp, ready to apologize and my jaw drops to the floor, right about where my eyes landed a split second earlier.

Two naked, sweaty, writhing bodies are entwined at my feet. And I seriously fucking doubt they felt the hard spike of my heel. Judging by their grunts and groans, they are completely unfazed by anything and everything around them. Jesus, this place is like PornHub, up close and very freaking personal. I swallow a gasp, trying like hell to peel my eyes off of them, but I can’t. For as shocked at what I’m seeing right now, I’m equally turned on. Heat pools between my legs, and my knees buckle enough that I need to back against the wall next to them as I continue to watch. Beads of perspiration pop up along the back of my neck, and I bring a hand to my heaving chest, dragging my fingertips down into my—

My fingers freeze. Holy cow! What in the hell am I doing? This is a freaking sex den! Am I going to start feeling myself up out here? For these strangers?

I yank my gaze away from the people on the floor and look for something, anything to keep my attention off the man who is now fucking his playmate in the ass. Right out in the open!

I wobble slightly in my heels, squinting as I walk farther down the hallway. This place kind of reminds me of the Halloween parade in the West Village, except way raunchier. And with more nudity. More moans and mewls surround me, and I step around the bodies contorted on the carpet at my feet. Nobody is watching me, but I’m fucking watching all of them, including the people who are viewing this sex fest. Some guys are jerking themselves off, some women are sucking the men off. People are topless, pantless, or completely naked. The area farther down the hallway is blanketed in black lights, which makes this whole scenario that much more taboo.

I’ve never felt so turned on in my life.

And I’ve never felt so much like a bad girl…a bad girl in need of a spanking.

I clutch the sides of my head. Jesus, Shaye! Remember why you’re here! Get a fucking hold of yourself and find your boyfriend!

“A little too much too soon for you?”

I spin around, clutching the wall as I lose balance for what seems like the millionth time tonight. “I, uh…”

The man from the staircase smirks at me in the darkness. I recognize his gravelly voice, the one that was plastered against my ear not too long ago. Dammit, I thought I’d lost him.

He shifts slightly in the shadows, and my throat tightens like it’s caught in a vise. Those eyes…they blare with a five-alarm warning to run the fuck away as fast as possible. Sinister black beads that scream malice stare back at me. Longish, dark hair falls over one eye as he leans against the opposite wall. “You look like you’ll fit right in here.” He straightens up and slowly walks toward me. A swirl of a heady musk scent assaults my nostrils. “If you have the right partner to show you the ropes.”

“I-I…” Shit! If I didn’t want the right partner, I wouldn’t be here, would I? This guy makes my skin crawl, and it’s more than just his leer. If I back away any farther, I’ll end up tripping over a woman who just appeared wearing large white bunny ears and pasties. Nothing else, mind you. That’s the extent of her costume.

He creeps closer toward me, sidestepping the show in his path. My heart thuds, the pounding sound reverberating between my ears. These heels may make me look the part, but they sure make it hard to move. The scent of carnal sex infiltrates my senses, and my head is woozy from the pure lust exhibited by these people. I should have had a shot of vodka before coming down here…or ten.

My eyes dart left and right. Where the fuck is Nico?

“The first time is always the hardest.”

Oh my God, this guy is just relentless. I force a smile and flip my fake, dark hair over my shoulder. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m just fine.”

“You are.” He folds his arms over his broad chest, his menacing dark eyes narrowed. “Maybe the next time we see each other you’ll be a little more willing to try things.”

My spine stiffens, and I puff out my chest. Fuck him if he thinks I’ll cower. “I’m sure I will be, just with someone else.” I flash a toothy grin and try my luck at stepping over a dom whipping her naked sub. Jesus, there’s nothing that’s not being done down here…what the hell have I stepped into?

I’d thought Nico wanted to keep me away from here because of the drugs and the guns. I had no idea he was running an underground sex den. And truth be told, I still can’t decide if I’m more horrified, shocked, or turned on by what is quite literally coming before my eyes.

I navigate the thick carpet in my heels, trying to avoid any grooves and costumed bodies in the midst of their respective sex shows. Another chill slides down my back, and I can still feel the guy’s eyes on me. Once I round the corner, I take a quick peek over my shoulder just to see if he’s still back by the staircase, but he’s gone. I let out an unsteady breath, again wondering why I couldn’t have just done the normal thing and gone to Victoria’s Secret for some new lingerie to spark the flames instead of showing up here…instead of sparking flames, I literally jumped into the fire with this plan of mine.

I slink into a corner, just outside of a room where two masked men are fucking a woman. They’re double-teaming her, right in the open, with about ten people watching, moaning, flicking their beans, and stroking their cocks. My mouth falls open, and I hate to admit it, but everything on my body is currently tingling…and I mean everything. These are the most erotic scenes I have ever seen in my life, and while my mind tells me I should be appalled, my body screams ‘fuck me now!’ Yet, the only one I want to be fucking is Nico and I can’t seem to find him anywhere.

The people around me who aren’t yet undressed are shedding layers faster than these guys can pump their dicks into the women sandwiched between them. A hand grazes the small of my back, but I ignore it because I’m just too damn entranced by what’s going on in front of me. Top guy is pounding into the woman, his mouth working both of her fake tits…yes, so fake…and bottom guy slides in and out of her ass, his mouth assaulting her neck. And the screams coming from her mouth…the cries to God, who most certainly is appalled, by the way…the pleas to fuck her harder…it all makes me want to strip out of this dress and start finger-fucking myself.

Oh Lord, am I a bad girl? I can’t even say it’s Nico’s fault, either. This is all me.

I bite down on my lower lip, debating about whether or not I should inconspicuously slide a finger up the side of my skirt. The music pulsates, adding to the erotic aura of this taboo scene. I am so consumed with lust I can barely breathe. Talk about complete sensory overload. The colored lights, the pounding beats, every accidental nudge by someone angling to get a closer look at the raunchy, but so very enticing scene that is playing out before them…God, I need to get laid.

Which brings me back to the reason why I’m here in the first place. I stumble backward, my heel catching on some guy’s shoe. I turn to mutter a quick ‘I’m sorry,’ but he’s so entranced with the girl getting fucked six ways from Sunday that I don’t even think he noticed I impaled his toe.

A large hand lands on the small of my back, steadying me. But before I can twist my body around to tell the owner of said hand to fuck off, the whole arm snakes its way around my waist, a strong chest pressing against my back. My spine stiffens at the foreign assault on my body, and the heat of his breath singes the back of my neck. But it’s not the stale stench of scotch that teases my nostrils.

It’s a much more familiar scent…one of my favorites, actually.