He grips the collar of my shirt and pulls me up, pinning me against the wall. He says nothing. He doesn’t need to.

People use the term “death glare” all the time. I doubt they’ve ever seen one up close and personal.

And I have no fucking gun, so Luca looking at me like this shows that he’s confident in how this struggle will end.

I push against him, wiggling out of his grip only because he let me. I’m not stupid. This guy is almost guaranteed to be doped up on Christ only knows what, and when, not if, he wants to kill me using his bare hands, he will. In his own time.

It’s his MO.

Where the fuck are Rocco and Max? They were right behind me. I’d raced over here, expecting to find Duke with the girls, not shot dead around the corner from my house. I can only pray nobody got to the others.

But it still doesn’t buy me enough time.

I straighten up as much as possible, a loud groan rumbling in my throat. But I swallow it down. I take a few deep breaths and lunge forward to bury that asshole’s smile into his skull. I land the punch, hearing the satisfying crack before my arm immediately recoils, a shattering pain exploding up my arm.

Thank fuck I’m ambidextrous.

I twist to my other side, clench my other fist tight, and launch it at his chest with as much power as I can channel. Jesus, it’s like fucking steel. I grit my teeth. I’m so screwed.

Those are the last words I remember thinking before a massive fist flies at my face. I didn’t even see it coming since I was trying to figure out how to save my girls without the use of two hands.

That concern was beaten out of me pretty fast, and I’m pretty sure it was joined by a couple of teeth. I crash-land against a table, the sharp corner jutting into my spine. I wipe away the blood streaming from the sides of my mouth, and with labored breaths, I straighten up as best I can to protect what’s left of my mangled body.

Luca creeps toward me again. “You having fun yet? I sure as fuck am and cannot wait to pump my cock in your lady’s tight pussy!” He swings another fist, but this time I’m prepared, my fingers closed around a weirdly shaped vase I battled my decorator on years ago when I bought this house…she said it added character, I said it looked stupid. In the end, she won because she’s a woman and gave me a blow job since this place was her big calling card.

I’ve never been happier to see that vase than in this moment.

I slip away from the punch, which promised to be brain-shattering, and swing the vase at the side of Luca’s head. He doesn’t flinch. Fuck me, it’s lead crystal, and the guy doesn’t even blink. He just laughs. Motherfucker.

His eyes spit venom and reek of insanity, and that was my only shot to knock him off balance so I could get to my guns.

I blink fast, my head darting left and right, but there’s nothing here to grab…nobody to call…no fucking way out of this.

Lily’s cries pierce the air from her hiding spot in a corner of the upstairs hallway, and my gut clenches. What the fuck will he do to her once he’s finished with me?

Who the hell is going to save them both?

Luca’s face twists into a menacing grimace. “I can see the wheels turning. Trust me, you don’t wanna waste the energy.” He flexes his fingers as he inches toward me. “And it’s gonna be a long night. I’m having fun watching you suffer. But that ain’t nothing compared to what’s gonna happen when that girlfriend of yours wakes up. I’m gonna shove my cock in her mouth while you bleed out next to us, you son of a—"


A glass-shattering explosion makes me flinch. Luca’s body buckles, back arching as the bullet tears through his spine. But he doesn’t fall. He doesn’t even grit his goddamn teeth. His eyes are wild, his breathing labored—the only indication that he feels the searing bullet now lodged in his body. He turns toward Shaye, lumbering toward her, swinging his fist at her head.

All it takes is one bullet…

Except when you’re trying to kill the devil.

* * *


My breaths areshort and sharp, hands clammy but steady. I grip the gun tight, pointing it at the man who has overshadowed our future for too fucking long. Luca’s eyes are wide, his mouth agape, but still he doesn’t fall.

He takes another step toward me, bringing his bloody fingers to his face, a look of disbelief momentarily veiling the rage. There’s no exit wound so I know that bullet is lodged somewhere inside of his body. How he’s even still walking is a damn miracle.

All of the emotions roiling inside me are not enough to stop me from pulling the trigger again.

“You’re not gonna shove your cock anywhere tonight,” I hiss. “In fact, the only thing that’ll be shoved is your body into a drawer at the fucking morgue, you bastard!”