Page 1 of A Spring Dance

1: Grosvenor Square



Will’s heart swelled with pride as he descended from the carriage in Grosvenor Square.Grosvenor Square!The very heart of Mayfair, and therefore of London, of England and of the world. Here resided some of the greatest names in the country, and now his was to be counted amongst them. Mr William Fletcher… no, William Fletcher,Esquire, of Chadwell Park in Hertfordshire, and now of Grosvenor Square in London. To be strictly truthful, the town house was only leased from an elderly gentleman too frail to travel to it anymore, and it would be home only from Easter to the end of July, but that was enough time for Will and his family to establish themselves in society.

He gazed around the square with avid eyes, drinking in the sight of the pretty gardens in the centre and the many elegant buildings stretching to the skies. Three or four stories, not counting the attics and basements. The Fletchers’ house had only three stories, but it was five bays wide and sufficiently imposing. He had chosen well.

The black-painted front door with its shining brass doorknob opened, and out streamed footmen in neat livery and wigs. Oh, this was good! Will hoped their neighbours were watching the spectacle of their arrival. Two carriages for the family, two more with luggage to be directed to the mews. Grooms emerged from the entry to hold the horses, while the footmen assisted the alighting ladies, whose eyes were round in wonder at their new home.

His stepmother descended first, eyes sparkling with excitement, although she said composedly, “This is a very pleasant location, Will. It will be delightful to look out at the trees. A square with gardens — that is very satisfactory.”

“I am gratified that you approve my choice, Stepmother,” Will said. “The house has its own garden, too.”

“So you mentioned. After the open grounds of Chadwell Park, we should have felt sadly confined without a little greenery around us. And we are not so far from Hyde Park.”

“It is a comfortable walking distance.”

She laughed. “Walking? I think not. We will drive there in the barouche.”

Will’s two sisters left the carriage next, their dainty figures elegant in fashionable travelling pelisses. Rosie’s face was full of wonder.

“Oh, Will! It is enormous,” she whispered. “So many windows. So many rooms. How will we ever fill it?”

“We will have visitors, I dare say,” Will said grandly. “Besides, we need plenty of space for all the entertainments Stepmother has planned for you, Rosie. The drawing room will be full of your admirers.”

Angie danced around him with glee. “Andmyadmirers, Will. I am determined that Rosie shall not have them all, even though she is the most beautiful woman in all England. So this is Grosvenor Square! I like it very much. We shall have so much fun here!”

Will’s father was the last to descend, looking the house over with the practised eye of the man of business. He had been a mercer for most of his life, and was not at all ashamed of his roots in trade even though he was now a member of the landed gentry. “This is a pretty part of London, Will. I’d no idea there were places like this, with their own gardens in the centre. I’d imagined it like St Ethelreda’s, with the square built around the alms houses. Very pleasant. How far are we from the City?”

“I am not sure… two or three miles, perhaps. Why?”

“I’ll want to visit my friends there,” his father said. “That’s a fair step to walk, though. Well, shall we go inside? Mrs Fletcher?”

He held his arm for his wife, the gentrified new wife who had persuaded him to buy an estate in Hertfordshire and become a gentleman. Together they ascended the few steps to the front door and passed into the hall, where more servants waited.

“Your cousin should be here to greet us and show us around,” Pa said, frowning. “Lady Failsworthy has arrived, I take it, Keeble?”

“Yes, sir,” the butler said. “A week or more since, I understand. She is out at present, however.”

“Busy paying calls, I expect,” Stepmother said happily, for Lady Failsworthy was to introduce the ladies to all her acquaintances in town, since they knew no one of consequence themselves.

“I can show you around,” Will said eagerly. “I know all the rooms. What do you think of the hall?”

“It is very spacious,” Stepmother said, gazing around. “I expected it to be cramped, but it is not at all. And the stairs are well-placed… this is very good.”

“There is a study or office in here,” Will said, throwing open a door. “That would do very well for Pa, do you not think? And the library next door. Mr Bravington has left some of the books for us. And the dining room through here, and the morning room beyond.”

They followed him from room to room, exclaiming over the well-appointed fitments, the imposing ceilings, the pillars and alcoves and niches. The furnishings were of good quality although a little old fashioned and faded, but that was not unexpected in a rented house. Will led the way upstairs to the main drawing room, which ran the full width of the house. The windows gave onto the square, the trees in the centre showing their vivid spring greenery.

“This is delightful!” Stepmother cried. “So large! And a fine view over the gardens. Well done, Will! You have made an excellent choice.”

“This is perfect for dancing!” Angie cried, humming as she launched herself into a lively reel.

“Indeed it is,” Stepmother said, laughing. “Such a splendid room, and another room next door for cards or music or whatever we want.”

“We would have room for thirty couples, at least,” Angie said, sweeping Rosie into a country dance.