‘You can’t…here!’ Letty gasped, thoroughly disconcerted as he backed her up against the wall, pinning her hands to either side of her and caging her in with his lean powerful body. Yet looking up into the smouldering heat of his eyes, she found his dominance outlandishly sexy.

‘Nobody will disturb us,’ Leo murmured huskily. ‘I only need a little taste of you.’

His mouth crashed down on hers and she strained helplessly against him, a flood of hunger released instantly. He hitched one of her legs up and ground against her and her awareness of his arousal mounted a thousandfold and sent fireworks shooting through her pelvis. His tongue tangled with hers and a low moan escaped her, an ache forming between her taut thighs. He released her hands and glided his fingertips lightly down her ribcage, making her shiver convulsively. Her heart was racing so fast she could hardly catch her breath, and then he touched her where she most needed to be touched and she thought she would spontaneously combust from the surge of tingling tormenting sensation at her core.

Her eyes flicked open on the mirror behind Leo and a belated awareness of where they were engulfed her. She pushed her palms against his chest and looked up at him, hot and flushed and damningly conscious of how much she wanted him.

‘Not here,’ she muttered tautly.

His body screaming for release, Leo snatched in a ragged breath. He should never have left the island, he recognised, because he couldn’t keep his hands off her. That hadn’t happened to him with a woman in more years than he could count, and he didn’t want it to happen with her. Control was important to Leo. Anything excessive in any aspect of his life set up warning markers he heeded. His father loved his stepmother obsessively and it had meant that the older man made some very bad decisions. Not that Leo was afraid that he could be falling in love—no, far from it. He almost smiled at the idea, knowing himself to be too battle-hardened by far to be prone to that weakness. On the other hand, obsessive lust was dangerous as well.

‘We’ll get back to Ios,’ Leo agreed. ‘I’ll have the rest of your new wardrobe sent out to the island for you to choose from there.’

Letty seemed transfixed by the idea and her eyes widened. ‘I’ll get dressed.’

‘Yes, that would be sensible,’ Leo murmured as if he had never asked her to model the lingerie for him or, indeed, had followed her into the changing room.

Letty was restive in the limo that returned them to the airport because Leo had withdrawn from her. Because she had said no? She didn’t think so. She suspected Leo had also succumbed to a moment of temptation and taking account of their surroundings had reined back his desire for her. But she knew he had an apartment in Athens and he didn’t suggest heading there and he didn’t approach her in the limo either.

Finally, shortly before they reached the airport, she asked him a question that had been playing heavily on her mind. ‘I’ve been wondering…’ she began tautly. ‘When will you be changing the terms in the prenuptial contract I signed?’

Dark brows pleating, Leo frowned at her in apparent astonishment. ‘Why would I do that?’

‘Because everything between us has changed,’ Letty pointed out simply. ‘This is not the detached marriage we originally agreed, and I do not accept your right to be unfaithful now.’

That assurance fell into a bottomless pit of silence. Leo’s dark gaze was hooded and cool. His jawline clenched hard. ‘We’ll discuss it later, although I should warn you that we have different viewpoints.’

Letty swallowed hard, not liking the sound of that for she couldn’t imagine what he could think they could have to discuss in the circumstances. He had radically changed the terms of their marriage and she had rights too…didn’t she?