Page 14 of Late Night Caller

Holdingmy breath was what I did when Enzo and I walked into the back room of the restaurant, cold with the blasting of frigid air to keep the room at the perfect temperature. A tactic to get men to talk. The longer you’re in there, the colder it gets, and it seems the man who was clearly Russian, had the markings of Petrov’s Bratva on his chest, was unwilling to give Angelo answers. By the time I got through with him, he was begging for death and yet still didn’t give us the information necessary to figure out Petrov’s next move.

After being at it for more than six hours, I was done. There was something else that was more important and pressing than torturing a dumb fuck. We left him hanging in the freezer. Angelo was willing to stay the night, watching over him. His wife was out of town with his three daughters. Him not needing to be at home tonight worked in my favor. Enzo went back to the house reluctantly because he wanted to at least follow me to Journey’s condo. I shook him off. If Petrov was going to come after me, he would have already. Instead, he’s playing a mind game. Smart, really, considering we’ve yet to get our hands on him, let alone see the man with our own eyes. Though, that last part makes Petrov a coward of the highest caliber.

I use my key to gain entry to Journey’s condo and walk through the dark house. Not a single light is on in the place. It’s a good thing I know it like the back of my hand. Back when we started, shit was simple. There wasn’t some fucking psycho hellbent on going after our territory, our women, and our children. The condo is warm, warmer than I’ve been used to seeing as at my house, she only kicks it up a degree or two than what it’s set to usually.

“Christ.” I strip out of my suit jacket, go to the thermostat, and kick it down a whole lot. It may be going on midnight, and Journey may be asleep, but this can’t wait any longer. I’ll be damned if my wife feels like I’ve failed her, forgotten her, and that this marriage is over. A lump forms in my throat when I see for myself how vulnerable she looks with her hair wet and on the pillow, another one snuggled in beside her. She’s holding it like a lifeline, and the sweats she’s given up for the most part are back on her body. I did this to her. I can see her cheeks are tear-stained, and as I move closer, I realize she is shivering. Here, in what feels like a sauna to me, my wife is freezing. That could have something to do with her wet hair. I know that’s the not the case her, though. Journey’s emotions are shining through even when she’s asleep, and I’m the bastard who made them that way.

“Vita mia.” I sit on the edge of the bed, hand shaking as I reach out to touch her cheek, gently waking her up. Not that it’s likely to cause her to rise. Instead, she scooches closer. My hand cups her cheek, my other moving the pillow away to allow her the comfort she’s desperately reaching for, wishing I’d at least had the forethought to take off my shoes before entering her room. It would have been a lot easier to slip in bed beside her, gathering my wife in my arms instead of what’s happening now.

“Journey, Tesoro.”Treasure.Unable to wait another moment, I pick her up and place her sideways in my lap, grabbing the blanket she was sleeping on top of instead of underneath, letting her absorb my body heat.

“Nico, what are you doing here?” She jars awake, trying to pry herself away from me. My hold tightens. If I were in a better frame of mind, I would have turned a light on before sitting down.

“Where my wife is, that’s where I’ll always be.” I move and kick off my shoes, feeling her body stiffen with those words, knowing in the past month I’ve only been home a few hours here and there, so my words have little to no value.

“Yeah, right.” Her feathers are ruffled. She doesn’t try to get off my lap, though. Not even when I move to settle us further in bed.

“I’ve been an ass, I know that,” I tell her as I turn on the lamp on her nightstand, needing to see her more clearly instead of by the moonlight that was shining through her window when I first saw the proof of how badly I’ve hurt my wife. I continue on, “I’ve allowed my work to control our life. That’s not fair on you. I should have talked to you, told you what was going on. Instead, I thought if I could control this one thing, then once it was over, we’d be fine. You’d still be there, and we could go on with our life.”

“And how did that work out for you?” She isn’t giving me an inch; I grin at her comment, taking her in, noticing the tiredness in her face, body relaxing, hand going to my chest, where my heart is beating for her beneath.

“Clearly, it didn’t, seeing as how I have to creep into my wife’s condo in order to apologize and bring her home.”

“You still haven’t apologized, not that I’ll accept until you tell me the truth, Nico, the whole truth. You asked me to marry you while not even saying I love you, but to protect me and others, I went in dumb and blind, but that’s not working, and I won’t allow it to continue on. If that’s the case, our marriage is as good as over.” Tough as nails. I knew it would come to this, not that I like where it’s going, but if I were to look in a mirror, the problem staring back would still be the same. It’d be me.

“You’re right, and I’m so fucking sorry. The words alone won’t take away the pain or the fact that I don’t deserve your forgiveness. What I will tell you is the reasoning, and maybe it’ll help you understand my need to shield you, why I’ve been working night and day so you can walk around without looking over your shoulder. Today, seeing that look of disdain on your face when all I’ve ever been greeted with is happiness and contentment, knowing I took that away, it sat heavy with me.” Journey allows me to move her again until she’s straddling my lap. I want her eyes instead of the awkward position she was in sitting on me sideways. I kiss her forehead. Her eyes close, eyelashes fanning her cheeks. I hope I’m getting us back to us. “The Russian I told you about, he’s a sneaky little bastard. The last draw was yesterday, when we received another threat, this time on your life.”

“What do you mean he threatened my life?” Journey asks, voice meek, sounding unlike the strong independent woman who captured my heart long ago.

“I’m not going into details. It wasn’t pretty, and I’ll be damned if I allow you to lose even more sleep just thinking about it, okay?” She blows out a puff of air. I’m unsure if it’s in annoyance or what.

“Fine, but tell me the rest.” How I lost the certainty that she’s been a great boss’ wife, I don’t know. The proof is right in front of my eyes.

“Petrov had men running drugs that are so pure even the most seasoned users would drop dead in one of our clubs. We got the fucker, but the memo he left us with, threatening a boss’ wife, is un-fucking-heard of. Everyone knows kids and women are off-limits, but this Russian fucker is a fool. Once I catch him, I’m going to make him pay,” I finish telling her as much as I’m going to.

“On that last part, we agree. He should pay, especially for messing with kids. You do what you have to do, but talk to me. I’d have been fine if you were working, and you let me know what was going on. The shutting me out was what hurt.” My hands cup her cheeks, pulling her closer until our foreheads meet.

“Forgive me, vita mia?” I ask.

“I forgive you, Nico. No more, though. Please, no more closing down.” I hear the plea for what it is.

“I promise I won’t.” My mouth meets hers. One lick along the seam of her lips has her gasping, allowing me entrance, and I’m going to show my wife how much she means to me, starting right now.



This side of Nico,it’s one I’ve never seen before: clothes are being thrown off, sounds of ripping slices through the air, were mouths, tongues, hands, and even feet to help get our combined clothing off. I knew makeup sex was supposed to be the best of the best; I even have friends who fight with their significant others just for the makeup sex. Nico and I, our sex life has been amazing even during this whole process. He always initiated when he got home and never denied me. That’s probably what made it bearable until it wasn’t.

“Off,” I demand, pulling at his boxers, the last article of clothing on his body. He tore mine from me, the flimsy strap on the side of my hips no match for him.

“Fuck, yes, you’re riding me tonight, vita mia.” He moves until his back is against the headboard, hands touching me, non-stop moving, cupping one breast, bringing it to his mouth, while his other wraps around my back, pressing me closer.

“Nico, sweetheart.” I’m on my knees, one hand on the length of his cock, guiding it until it’s at my entrance. Nico’s hand moves in an upward motion until he’s pushing me down on my shoulder, needing me as much as I need him. It’s a different kind of moment in time. The sex is different; it’s soul shattering, earth shaking, undeniable pleasure when I slide all the way down until he’s seated practically hitting my cervix.

“Journey, shit, you’re gripping me so tightly.” I pulse around his length using my inner muscles, knowing what it does to him, making him lose control. Our hips work together, lifting me up as I push down, working in sync with one another as we both find our mutual release. My mouth devours his, wanting him to surround me in every possible way. “Quit that, or this will be over before you come,” he murmurs against my lips as I clench around him on a downward glide.

“I want you to come with me, Nico, please. It’s for us,” I respond before his hands delve into my hair to take my mouth again, this time harder, firmer, with a more demanding tone. A shiver works through me, creeping up my spine. My nipples gain friction as they rub up against Nico’s chest, heightening the sensation. My hands hold on to his shoulders tightly. I wouldn’t be surprised if I left marks on him come tomorrow, another way of making Nico as mine, even if no one but ourselves sees it.