Page 17 of Late Night Caller

“You may as well head home. I’ll call you when she wakes up or we’re discharged.” Hopefully, I can keep the cops at bay. They never showed up at the house. By the time the ambulance appeared, we’d had Petrov and his men loaded up and took care of things so minimal questions would be asked.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Journey’s dad states. He takes his wife’s hand. Wylder left when I got here. Work could only go so long without him there. Pierre was out of town this week, which meant he had to actually work.

“We’re leaving, too,” Mamma responds. I appreciate her more than she could ever know. As soon as they leave, I’ll be sliding into the bed next to my wife, keeping her warm, breathing her in, and holding her in my arms all night long.



“Nico,what were those words you whispered to me while I was in the hospital?” I ask him the next day. I’m out of the hospital and back home. The first order of business was a shower to get the stench of antiseptic off my body and hair. At first, Nico balked when I told him that’s where I was going after he carried me into the house, up the stairs, and was heading for our bedroom. That’s when I told him shower first, then I would nap. My head still feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. It would be awesome if it would finally stop aching.

“Which words? I said quite a few.” Nico refused to let me shower alone and is currently washing my hair as gently as possible. What he doesn’t know is that his fingers alone, plus feeling his cock bob and sway against my ass, aren’t making me want to do any sleeping once we’re out of here.

“Non possi or something like that,” I say over my shoulder, seeing him smirk as I butcher his Italian language.

“Non posso vivere senza di te.It means I can’t live without you.” Wetness clouds my eyes. I’d like to say it’s from the shampoo, except Nico has already rinsed that out. Conditioner is currently massaged into my ends, and my body is already washed thoroughly. Another part of the reason why the insides of my thighs are wet, and not from the water either. Nico felt it, too, when he was on his knees before me, one of my legs on the tiled built-in corner bench. My eyes were on his, watching him clean me then use his mouth, taking one long sweep with his tongue the entire length of my pussy.

“What woman needs to hearI love youwhen you use words like that? Dear God, Nico. I’ll never compete with you when it comes to hearing you say things like that. You’re right. Love isn’t a strong enough word to describe what you mean to me.” He cups my cheeks carefully, lips meeting mine in a soft and sweet kiss. It’s fleeting, not near long enough.

“Considering you’re the one who was in the hospital because of me, you’ll never feel like this is a competition. You win, hands fucking down, always and forever.”

“It wasn’t you who told Petrov to come after me. I’m tougher than I look. Plus, I was a classic idiot. The next time I don’t see Enzo standing by the car with the garage door open, I’m going back inside instead of being nosey. You know that whole “Curiosity killed the cat” saying, total dumb move on my part.” I try to make a joke of it, but hearing the k-word is not making Nico any happier. “Okay, bad use of words. How about you help me out and into bed? Maybe my husband can join me today?”

“I’ve got more than today for you, vita mia. I have a lifetime. Today is just one day of more to come.” He turns the water off and grabs the towel off the rack, a towel warmer he had installed after finding me in my condo frozen like an ice cube. I walked into the bathroom the next day, trailing behind Nico when he told me that it heats the towel once the shower starts running. Is it a little extra? Probably, but the meaning behind it is everything.

“Good, because I’m getting tired.” A yawn escapes me as Nico dries me off then wraps the towel around my body. I take over to hold it beneath my arms. He hands me another towel to wrap my hair up to dry for a little bit. I won’t have to worry about staying warm if Nico is going to lie down with me.

“Then it’s off to bed for the two of us.” Nico whisks the towel around his body. The gentleness he used on me is not how he treats his body. I hang my used towels back up and walk naked out of the bathroom. He must have turned the sheets down and closed the blinds to the huge panoramic doors that lead to a balcony off the room. It’s cold outside of the bathroom, the steam no longer billowing since I’m in our bedroom, but it won’t be for long, and I know it never will as long as I’m with Nico.

I slide beneath the covers, feeling my husband’s body right beside me. He situates us until I’m lying on his chest, neither of us putting any clothes on. Nico probably thinks this is a change for me, seeing as how I always go to bed in clothes, whether it be a silk nighty outfit or sweatpants. So, this is different, and I’m hopeful he’ll let me take advantage of him.

“Ti voglio bene, vita mia.” I lift my head, question in my eyes. “I love you, my life.”

“I love you, Nico. I didn’t need those words, but I love that you gave them to me nonetheless.” His hand moves to the back of my neck, pulling me close to his lips. This kiss is more than what we did in the shower, and judging by the grip he has on my hip, thumb sweeping lower and lower, I’d say the nap will come later. Much later.



Two MonthsLater

“Tellme again why we went along with this hair-brained scheme?” I ask Journey, holding her in my arms as we dance to a slow song, what should be our first dance as husband and wife. Things have settled down since the issue with Petrov. That doesn’t mean I still don’t have a guy on my wife at all times.

“Because the first time around, we got married away from our family. And remember it was you who opened your wallet for them. I would have put my foot down, but you were all ‘Oh, Journey, it won’t be that bad.’ Who was wrong and who was right this time around?” she responds in her smart-ass retort. “Plus, look at Delaney and Pierre hitting it off. That was worth it alone seeing as how my best friend is beyond stubborn and made me wait this long until he’d meet Pierre.” I shake my head. My wife thinks everyone needs to be happy, no matter the cost.

“Don’t get used to hearing me say this, but you were right. Never again. Half the fucking city is here, and I don’t even know all of them, not to mention all the family members who were hiding and came out of the woodwork. And yeah, you were right,” I grouse. Then I continuing about the Delaney meeting Pierre thing. I’m not sure she’ll listen, but I’ll tell her anyway, “Your job with the guys is done. Leave them be. Let them navigate it. Delaney wants things slow, and you need to respect that.” Journey rolls her eyes. She knows it’s the truth. The only good thing that came from this second wedding is knowing we’re running away for a real honeymoon this time around. No work for either of us, which also means no phone, making the time for one another while we’re gone for two weeks. I tried to convince Journey to take a trip to the Pacific Northwest, seeing the Snoqualmie Falls and getting to experience some cooler weather. That was a no-go for my wife, who’s inevitably freezing. It doesn’t matter when or where, she’s cold, even during her hospital stay when she complained to the nurse that another blanket was needed. The nurse documented it and then ran more tests. The tubes of blood taken from her body were more than I cared to think about, and all the tests came back fine, including a negative pregnancy test.

“How do those words taste coming out of your mouth?” Journey asks, waiting entirely too long to use that quote from a movie. I pull her closer, allowing her to feel what she does to me in the dress that’s form fitting to her body, showcasing her curves in all the right ways. Plus, I know my wife forgoes a bra and underwear when she wears dresses, giving me the easy access, which I’ll be taking advantage of sooner rather than later.

“Hmm, seems like I have something for that mouth of yours, Journey.” The sharp intake of breath lets me know that I’m not the only one who isn’t unaffected. “Tell me, vita mia, is your pussy wet for me? Is it weeping at the thought of me sliding my cock deep and hard inside of you, hands bound above your head as I use my mouth on those berry-tipped nipples that are hard and pebbled and begging for me?” I wedge my thigh between her legs, heightening the sensation she’s currently feeling.

“Nico.” The softness in her voice, the way her eyelids flutter closed, I know we won’t last long here at our own reception. A reception that’s entirely too long after a formal Italian-style wedding in a cathedral. I never experienced annoyance as much as I did earlier today, having to go through our vows a second time.

“Hold that thought. My mother and your father are on their way to dance with us, and I’m pretty sure neither of them wants to know what we were talking about.” My head lowers until I’m whispering into her ear, my cock slowly deflating at the thought of dancing with my mother.

“You started it. You always start it, Nico.”

“Yeah, and I’ll finish it later, too.” I nip her earlobe then pull back, spinning her body until she’s in front of her father. My mom is smiling big and brightly, already scheming something else, I’m sure.