Page 5 of Late Night Caller

“Got it covered. There’s a reason behind everything, trust me.” Nico knows I do, implicitly, or I wouldn’t be the one in the shadows the past few months, him acting like a late night caller only coming to me in the middle of the night or me going to his place when it’s dark out, only to have to leave in the early hours of the morning. Which has only happened one or two times. He may not require but an hour or two of sleep; the same can’t be said for me.

“Then I guess I’ll see you later?” I question, since he’s going to keep things a mystery for the time being.

“You will. I’ll call when Enzo is on his way. Wish it were me picking you up, but I’ve got more meetings to take care of. Soon, Journey, it will be me, though.” It seems Nico’s got more up his sleeve than I know about. I only hope it’ll be good news for the both of us.

“Nico, you can call, but a time for when to be ready would be nice to know as well.” The snark leaves me. He knows better, growing up with a mom and a sister. It’s not like we’re the type to be ready within five minutes’ notice.

This time, it’s Nico who chuckles into the phone. The annoyance that was simmering above the surface disappears. I never could stay mad at anyone, not my brother when he was chasing off boys, our father, who grounded me when I was attempting to sneak-in past curfew, or Delaney when I know he’s in one of his moods. One joke, a smile, or a laugh, and everything seems to be okay. A grudge holder I am not. “Can you be ready at four?”

“Yes, not that you’re telling me what’s really going on, but I’ll be ready. I’m not sure what to wear.” Truth be told, the way Nico has been running himself ragged, I’m shocked he’s able to make much time for anything else besides work.

“I’ll take you any way I can have you, preferably naked though.” I can imagine him behind the wheel. Unlike his father, he prefers to drive. One of his wrists hanging over the steering wheel, navigating the busy Vegas Strip streets with ease and confidence like he does anything else. It’s knowing what his face looks like as he slides inside of me, eyes locked on mine, teeth biting his lower lip, and with the way he’s talking, I’m imagining that’s exactly what is written on Nico’s face right now.

“That can be arranged. I’ll be wearing nothing but a trench coat to greet you with,” I tease back, already in a better mood.

“You do that, your ass will know how I feel real quick. The orgasm you’ll want will be denied, and not a fucking thing will be discussed because once that’s over with, I’m going to take you for hours.” My thighs clench, and I can feel the wetness his words cause. “And, Journey, as much as I want that, judging by the soft little mewl you let out, that can’t happen, not yet at least. See you this afternoon.” He hangs up the phone, leaving me in a maelstrom of feelings, and for some reason, I don’t think today is going to be as great as I hoped for after all.



The meetingI had after talking to Journey wasn’t for work; it was to interrupt Papà on his vacation. Things could go a few ways once I lay it all on the line for the woman who snuck up on me and wormed her way into my heart.

“You’re either a brave man or a dumb fool, Nico. Maybe your Journey isn’t like my Giulia.” I got on the secured burner phone that we use when talking business. Papà shouldn’t even have one. It was my request that he take it with him overseas in case a time came when I would need his advice. Although this isn’t the type of communication I thought I’d be having while some of it is business, mostly it's about the situation between Journey and me. “She’d box my ears if I came up with the ideas you have. That being said, there’s a reason I retired earlier than most. You’ve got a penchant for making things work in your favor while protecting others. Add the business and street smarts, and it’s a lethal combination.”

There were times when Wylder and I were running the streets, we’d make two dollars out of a dollar, hustling someone who was selling a bike, buying it way below asking price, doing a few things on it, and selling it on another side of town. If you were going to do stupid things, you had to be smart. Sure, others tried to do a few things in similar situations, but they’d try to sell it back in the same rich neighborhood they bought it from. Word would get around, they’d get pissed, and the seller would come out bruised. Instead, we bought from the rich at a price so they could get rid of the item, make a few adjustments, and sell on the other side of the tracks. It’s a shitty thing to do, but when there was a kid who wanted the latest and greatest while we still made double our profit, it was an easy win in our books.

“We’ll see. Enzo is bringing her over this afternoon. I may or may not have balls attached by the time we discuss things.” The thought of using Journey as bait to bring Petrov in was not one I wanted to discuss, let alone think about. It’s why I came up with another scheme.

“I’ll be saying a prayer for you, mio figlio. If that’s all you need me for, I’m going to enjoy time with your mother.” He laughs on the other end of the line. Most people would be grossed out to know about their parents’ life behind closed doors. This is the way they’ve always been, openly affectionate, a little too much at times, but Papà sat me down as a young man, telling me of the certain predilections the Donotello men seemed to have through the generations. Thankfully, he didn’t go into details, but it also gave me a sense of relief that the thoughts going through my mind weren’t dark, women wouldn’t hate them, and that I wasn’t the problem.

“I’ll take the prayer. Less of the stuff when it comes to you and Mamma.” Especially when I have my own woman.

“Sure, sure, go get a shower and grab a nap. You sound like sleep hasn’t come to you in a week, addio.” We all switch in and out of languages easily when we get to talking. Papà is no different.

“Addio.” We hang up. I’m already heading up the stairs of the house I recently purchased. There’s one thing about having an apartment in the city, but there’s something to be said about being away from it all, having the peace and quiet in the desert. Especially when Journey stays over. It’s not like at her condo, where she attempts to stay quiet when she’s in the throes of an orgasm. When she’s here, the only thing we have to worry about is how hard and fast she comes. No man on my property would dare come inside my bedroom to check on her either. Not that many know when she’s here. Enzo makes sure of that. Now Tony will, too. That doesn’t mean my eyes won’t be watching him the entire fucking time. There are certain things you learn in life. Like sleeping with one eye open, keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

“Yes?” I answer the phone, which is still in my hand from the last call I made. I enter my bedroom and look at the bed. There are certain upgrades I’ve done since the last time Journey has been here. The next time she’s in my bed, her hands will be above her head, legs spread open, and she won’t be able to move from the position.

“Petrov made another move. This time, it was one of his guys approaching a high school trying to get to Danny’s son. At least the kid is smart. Walked the other way, got on the phone, and called his ma, who then called Danny.” I brace my hand on the wall, fist forming, ready to pound the drywall to pieces, except I can’t. The shower and nap I was once longing for are going to have to wait.

“Detour to Journey’s place. Get her loaded up and bring her here. Let me get her settled, then we’ll take care of Danny and his family,” I tell Enzo. Petrov is getting bolder as the days go by, which means my plan has to work, but in order to do that, I need to make sure Journey is safe.

“You got it, boss,” Enzo responds. I take my hand off the wall and dig in my pocket to grab my other phone, bringing up Journey’s name.

“Thanks.” We hang up, and I’m bringing my non-burner to my ear, listening to the phone ring a few times. I’m close to forty yet feel like I’m in my sixties with the shit that’s going on right now.

“That’s twice in less than a couple of hours. I’m one lucky lady,” Journey answers the phone.

“Enzo is in enroute to you now. I know it’s earlier than expected, but something’s come up. I’ll explain once you’re here.” I’m short and to the point, half tempted to get into my own vehicle, grab Journey, and see with my own two eyes that she’s safe. If I do that, though, Petrov could potentially set a trap. It’s what I’d do when I’m going to take down an adversary.

“Alright, I’m just getting out of the shower. Is he okay with waiting around for a little bit? I shouldn’t be more than fifteen minutes, maybe twenty.” Wylder was right about one thing: if anyone can be a boss’s woman, it’s Journey.

“I’ll let him know. Pack whatever you may need for work and a few changes of clothes. Everything else the guys can get on an as-needed basis.” Maybe my plans might not go to hell after all.

“Nico, I’m going to expect answers when I get there, but I’ll be ready.”

“You’ll get them, vita mia.” She might not like them, but they’re hers just the same. We finish our conversation, and then I’m heading to the much-needed shower I was after in the first place.