Page 9 of Late Night Caller

“Yes, I just need Delaney to follow me to your room, take a few pictures of me in this dress and then a few with us together. We have time, right?” It should be a question; instead, it comes out as a nudge in getting my way.

“If it doesn’t take too long. Our time is in an hour.” The officiant as well as Wylder and Celeste will be there waiting for us. We had to get ready this early to get the marriage licenses ready.

“We’ll be fast.” I kiss his lips again before I pull back, take his hand in mine, and lead the way, knowing we have things to do, people to see, and a place to get married at.



We tookthe photos like she asked, keeping the ones of her and me to ourselves, the other for her Instalook campaign. It’s one thing to be out in the open, being seen at a restaurant or casino; it’s another to be broadcasted over social media.

“You ready for this?” Wylder asks, standing next to me beside the pool. We’re waiting for Journey to come walking from inside the house, towards me. Delaney is on the other side of us. The officiant is holding a bible in his hands, ignoring what’s being said around him. It didn’t take very long for me to procure the priest, seeing as how my family never misses a Sunday service and I offered to make a sizable donation to the youth group that needed help placing foster children.

“I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t. Didn’t see this happening, figured she’d balk and run away. That’s not your sister, though, offering herself up for that prick. There was no way in hell I’d allow that to happen. Thankfully, it didn’t take much convincing on my part,” I respond to him, getting impatient waiting on Journey to walk out of the house. She’s currently sipping a glass of champagne with Celeste, which can surely lead to trouble if they take too much longer.

“I didn’t. You may not see it, but it’s plain as day. She’s gone for you. And, brother, you’re right there with her,” Wylder responds, telling me basically the same thing Journey said. I haven’t announced what I feel for her, frankly because actions speak louder than words. It shows in more ways than one. “And I don’t envy your bank account. You got lucky with both parents being out of town. When they come back, you better have your wallet open because Journey’s the last one they’ll get to plan a wedding for.”

“I’ve already told them as long as Journey’s okay with it, they can do whatever. We’ll already be married. The rest is just a formality.” The priest clears his throat. I straighten the cuffs on my jacket, eyes going to the door that is sliding open. Celeste makes an appearance, smiling at Wylder. She’s using Journey’s work camera that Delaney didn’t hesitate in bringing over. I’m sure they used it earlier today in our room while they were getting shots of the dress for her contract, but I didn’t see Delaney; my eyes were solely focused on Journey. Listening to Journey tell Celeste that it’s simple, to just point and shoot, the rest she’d work out. If I had the time or simply asked Journey what she needed, I could have paid a photographer to do what Celeste is doing. I didn’t. Now I’m hoping they’ll turn out the way Journey wants.

“You’re totally fucked,” Wylder states. The priest clears his throat again. Dumbass, cussing in front a priest. Jesus, his mom and my mom would box his ears. Not that I’m doing much better. Pretty sure getting hard in front of a priest as well as your childhood-turned-adulthood best friend while watching his sister, who is about to become my wife, isn’t much better.

Journey’s eyes land on mine. The small bouquet Celeste picked up on the way was one of the many things that didn’t occur to me. The ring in my pocket and procuring the priest were all I was worried about. A ring that I’ve been carrying around for a few weeks now, having no idea when or where I’d propose to Journey, not at all knowing it would happen this soon. I was away at work, walking into a jewelry store looking for a bracelet for my niece after she had told me during a Sunday dinner that she’d like one for her birthday that was coming up. I found the one Amelia wanted in minutes. While waiting for the salesperson to wrap it up, I meandered to the engagement rings display case because it piqued my interest. The sales guy asked if I wanted to see the two and a half carat pink diamond cushion cut pave, with smaller diamonds wrapping around the engagement ring. Imagining it on Journey’s finger was all it took. I bought the ring on the spot, not blinking at the price tag. The one thing I should have bought was the wedding band to match, something I’ll be calling on in the next week to get hammered out.

As soon as Journey is in touching distance, my hand reaches for hers, and she passes the bouquet to Delaney. I watch as he wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. Journey’s eyes grow wet when she looks at him. I take a deep breath while puffing my chest out, seeing the happiness written on her face.

“Are we ready to get started?” Priest Bianchi asks. Once Journey is facing me, I lace both of our hands together. I grin at her, looking at the sheer beauty that I’ve somehow managed to possess.

“I am. Are you, Nico?” she asks. I shake my head, almost laughing at the ridiculous question. These Hayes family members, it’s like they don’t know I can think for myself, seeing how I’m the one who wanted this to happen in the first place, but I’m not going to let on that little tidbit of information, not yet at least.

“I am.” It doesn’t take long until Bianchi asks if we’d like to say our own vows to one another. I shock Journey as well as Delaney when I say yes.

“I, Nico Donotello, take you, Journey Hayes, to love and cherish, to protect to the ends of this earth, always returning to you from this day forward.” She has tears at the corner of her eyes at hearing the words that I mean down to my soul. I’d lay down my life for Journey, walk through fire, and take down anyone who tries to stand in my way.

“Nico.” Journey’s right hand goes to her mouth, shocked at my words. I pull the ring out of my pocket, watching her the entire time as I slide the engagement ring on her finger. The fit is perfect, not catching on a knuckle, not too small or too big. Perfect, just like Journey. “I don’t even have a ring for you.” She sounds sad about that.

“If you want me to wear your ring, we’ll make that happen. Today.”

“I want that. So much.” My thumb wipes the tear away.

“Journey, would you like to say a few words to Nico?” the priest asks. I didn’t say mine so she would be put on the spot. This fucker is going to piss me off if he makes Journey cry.

“I do. Give me a second to compose myself.” My hand cups her neck. I rub my thumb along the apple of her cheek, watching as she gathers her thoughts and says her vows. “I, Journey Hayes, take you, Nico Donotello, to be my husband, to love and to hold you, to honor and obey you from this day forward.” A smirk plays around my lips as I watch her eyes dilate while she uses those words. My hard cock that finally subsided perks right back up, an unfortunate circumstance seeing as where we are.

Priest Bianchi takes the moment to say, “By the powers invested in me, the state of Nevada along with St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Journey’s eyes close. My lips move to hers, and I take them with fiercely, showing her and everyone around us exactly what we need from one another.



I hadno idea after the fast-track of our wedding ceremony that it was time for me to make my grand appearance as Nico’s wife. We received congratulations from my family and our friends, Enzo making an appearance afterwards. I almost questioned why he wasn’t at the reception but saw the slight shake of Nico’s head when I went to say something. The subject was dropped. Next came even more champagne. I took a few sips because I already had a glass before the ceremony, a toast of sorts from Celeste, my future sister-in-law, who is the absolute best in every sense of the word. She fits in with our family like a puzzle piece, gives Wylder hell, and is an amazing woman all around.

“How’s Tyra doing?” I ask Celeste in the kitchen while my eyes scan the display screen on the camera, looking at the images she snapped of us. I make a mental note on which ones I’ll want framed, ones that won’t work, and which ones to email my parents while they’re on a short vacation in the mountains. Literally, a last-minute trip that had them booking a flight, heading towards Montana. Wylder and I joked that they were going to buy a house out there and retire. Before, I was okay with that. Now, I’m not so sure. They’ll miss out on so much, like today, future children, and so much more.

“Eh, she has her good days and bad days. I’m trying to set her up on a date, but she doesn’t want to, says she’ll stay single until Von is grown. It’s hard enough to co-parent with workaholic Mace, and she can’t imagine bringing in a bonus parent.” I put down the camera, turn it off, and grab my champagne flute to take another sip.

“That’s too bad. It seems both our besties aren’t looking for anything. I tried to convince Delaney that he and Pierre would be a match made in heaven. He denied the invitation before I could get all the words out of my mouth.” I blow out a puff of air.

“They’ll figure it out, or we’ll make them,” Celeste suggests. Wylder comes up behind her, arm going around her shoulder, and they kiss one another. I never thought I’d see the day when someone lassoed my brother. I’m glad it was Celeste.