“Sure,” Trent said with a shrug.

Drake glanced at me and frowned before he nodded. “Fine.”

“Fallon?” Hail asked.

I nodded. “Deal.”

“I have the perfect way to lure them out,” Hail continued slyly. “Fallon, you’re just the guy for the job.”

“Whatever. Let’s just get it over with. The sooner the better,” I said, glaring at Tate who had gone back to the phone and wasn’t paying attention to us anymore. “If the kings find out before then, we’re all fucking dead.”

“Then lets fucking do it.” Hail grinned wickedly.

I always considered revenge to be something sweet.

I knew this would be something just a little bit more because it was Bianca and the kings.

I’d made my decision.

There would be hell to pay.



The door to my room creaked open slowly, and Tate entered. I immediately slid off my bed despite my nausea at my stomach being upset and went to my knees for him. He was tense. Upset. Something that didn’t bode well for me. Or him. He tended to get violent when he was upset. I didn’t like that.

He brought me to my feet and sat me on the bed.

“I have a surprise for you,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed and running his hand up my bare thigh. “You’ll really like it.” He held his hand out to me. “Come with me. I have something for you.”

The nausea churning my stomach grew more violent. I felt awful. I’d been dry heaving on and off all day and feeling lightheaded.

Instead of taking his hand, I got to my feet, trembling. I staggered forward, but he got up and caught me before I fell and led me out of the room. Excitement welled in my chest.

“Can I have something to eat?” I asked softly, hoping food would help my sickness.

He paused for a moment before nodding. He pulled out another sandwich from his jacket pocket and handed it to me. I tore it open and nibbled at it as he led me down a dimly light hallway.

I let my mind wander. It had been doing that a lot lately. I thought about the kings often. About Fallon. About being alone. About having Tate. About. . . a baby.

I had no one, not even any family. Even my father left me. Tate’s words kept repeating in my head. Dominic annulled our marriage. He went back to his father. He got an arranged marriage. He was gone. Done. Left me because I was a brat and had let slip something horrible. I’d lied about the birth control. He deserved someone better than me. They all did. Levin with Celeste. Vincent with Stella. Everyone happy as they should be.

Tears prickled my eyes as I thought about what my life was.Would I be a single mother? Was I really pregnant?I was sick so often now that I decided I must be.Do I tell Tate?He said he’d had sex with me while I slept. I knew it was true. I remember the ache between my legs and the wetness. In fact, I often awoke with that feeling.

I should be mad. But he said he saved me. Took me away from all that. My brain felt muddled. I had to eat. I survived by being a good girl.

I felt like I was losing my sanity.Who was I?

My legs nearly gave out again, and Tate caught me around the waist. The hall buzzed with the old fluorescent lights and my bare feet slapped against the old, cold tile floor. The walls were a dull white color like my room was. We were definitely underground. We stopped at a doorway, and he opened it and led me inside to a bathroom.

A large tub sat against a wall, a toilet and sink nearby. Water was already ran in the tub, and bubbles floated along the top. Overall, it was cozy enough. Tate was rewarding me.

“A bath for you,” Tate said softly, closing and locking the door behind us.

“For being good?” I turned and looked at him.

“For being good,” he repeated, cradling my face. “I thought we’d go on a special trip together soon.”