Some butterflies were never meant to fly.

Some were meant to die at the hands of a maniac.

Some were meant to be broken.



Tate waited for us outside Bolten near his Range Rover, his arms folded across his chest. He had a black eye and various scratches along his face and arms.

My guts churned at what it meant. I kept my cool, sticking to my plan. I’d not sleep a wink knowing he had her.

“Looks like she kicked your ass again,” Hail said, laughing. “Stupid fuck. Can’t control a tiny little girl?”

“She stopped fighting when my cock went into her,” he shot back.

Hail rolled his eyes. “Whatever. How was the pussy?”

“Fucking tight as hell, man. Worth it.” He high-fived Hail.

Drake raised a brow at me and shook his head as I swallowed down my rage and focused on getting this shit on the road. The plan was simple. Hail wanted to record her. Send it to the kings. Get them off campus. When they got to us, we’d shoot them. It was a pussy way to do things, but what-the-fuck-ever.

“I’ll drive myself,” I said as everyone loaded into Tate’s car.

“Why?” Hail asked, frowning at me.

“Because fuck him. He stole from me,” I snapped back. “Pussy was supposed to be mine.”

Hail snorted. “Don’t worry. You’ll get your chance. She’s not dead yet, and even if she was, I wouldn’t blame you for trying. Hell, even I might. Never fucked a dead girl before.”

I shook my head and got behind the wheel of my car and started the engine. Tate pulled out of the parking lot, and I followed close behind. I had no idea where this little weasel had Bianca.

We drove outside of the city and down a country road and parked in front of an old farmhouse. I recognized the place. It used to be one of his old man’s safe houses. He’d given it to Tate when he’d turned eighteen late last year.

I parked and got out, my body tense as I followed the guys into the house.

The place still had all the old furniture in it, but dust covered every surface. We followed Tate to the basement. I expected to see her tied to a chair, but no. The basement was bare except for a few tools and canned food.

“Place is cold,” Drake muttered. “Haunted by the people that have been murdered in here.”

“Only seventeen,” Tate said absently as Hail chuckled.

I shook my head.Fucking asshole.

“A secret entrance? Nice. Like a fucking fairy tale,” Trent said as Tate pushed against a spot in the back of the basement and a door swung open that looked like part of the old stone wall.

A set of stairs led down into an old hallway. When I stepped off the bottom step, I could feel her nearby. I didn’t know if I was just filled with anticipation or what, but I knew I was only feet from her.

We followed Tate down the hall, and he stopped in front of a heavy metal door and turned back to us.

“I want to keep her,” he said firmly. “I think she’s really starting to like me.”

I scoffed.The fuck she was.I knew Bianca. She hated Tate.

“She’s not a kitten,” Hail said. “She’s a pawn to be used and tossed aside. Nothing more. There’s plenty more pussy out there. Pussy that won’t get us killed. Now open the damn door.”

“Then let me be the one to take her life,” he said solemnly. “You guys can step outside the room, and I’ll do it. Alone. OK?”