“As long as it isn’t to De Santis or a hospital, then take us.”

He nodded tightly and accelerated, the world whizzing past us in a blur.

What I was doing was fucking insane, but I wasn’t going to let her get hurt again. Not if I could help it.

I was in fucking charge now.



The video feed had gone dead. We’d been home, digging for more clues to find her when my phone had buzzed with a text. A random request. A link to a live video.

My queen was on her back as someone got between her legs. Her battered face with no emotion. Her eyes were swollen so much I couldn’t even see the brilliant blue of her eyes.

I couldn’t move. I sat frozen as I stared at the blank screen.

It was Levin who jumped to his feet and snapped into action first.

“What the fuck happened? How do we find her?” he demanded, his massive body shaking with rage.

I blinked at the screen, still in shock. In agony.

My queen. . .

“Dom. We need to do something,” Vincent whispered, his voice quaking.

I blinked again.

“We don’t know where she is,” I finally whispered, getting to my feet. We had no fucking clue where she was. The video had been silent. There were no clues to go on.

“There has to be something,” Levin snarled, moving to my seat in front of the computer and starting the video over. I couldn’t bear to watch it again, so I walked to my dresser and pulled out the gun I kept there. I wasn’t sure what I was even going to do, but killing someone,anyone, might help me.

I turned as Levin paused the video. Forward. Rewind. Over and over. Pause.

“Motherfucker,” he shouted, pushing away from my desk and tugging at his blond hair. “Son of a bitch!”

“What is it?” Vin demanded, looking from Levin to the screen. A frown marred his face before his lips parted. “What the fuck?”

I swallowed and forced myself to look at the screen. Levin had zoomed in on the assailant’s arm. Nausea churned in my guts as I took in the tattoo on it.

A dagger and a crown.


Red rage blurred my vision as I stared at his arm. His fucking body positioned over my girl. His hips lined up ready to take from her. Ready to fuckingsteal.

Vincent pulled his phone out and made a call.

“Fuck,” he snarled, disconnecting the call and dialing again. More swearing.

My pulse thundered in my ears.

“He’s not answering,” Vincent swore.

“You really fucking think he would?” Levin snapped back. “He’s fucking bumblebee right now.”

I snapped out of it and slammed the lid to my laptop down, my chest heaving. “Call the court together.”