“She’s hurting,” I answered in a thick voice. “Being fuckingraped, Vin. All the lords have probably taken a turn on her by now. Our girl. . .” My voice cracked. The image of her begging for them to stop raced through my head. I wasn’t the sort of guy who resorted to tears, but in this instance, it was a battle I was quickly losing.

I couldn’t fucking do it.

I got up and went to the bathroom and emptied my guts into the toilet, heaving over and over as I clung to the white porcelain.

Fuck, bumblebee. Baby. I’m so fucking sorry. I should have stayed behind with you. I should have done so many different fucking things for you.

I heard the front door open and close between my vomiting and then the voices of the horsemen.

Dom must have a hell of a lot of faith in them if he gave them the location of his nearest safe house.

I sat up and wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet before going to the sink and quickly rinsing. When I was done, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like shit. My blue eyes were dull with the dark circles ringing them. My blond hair was a wild mess from me tugging at it. I quickly raked my fingers through it to tame it before breathing out.

“You’re stronger than this. She needs you. Pull your shit together and go save her and kill the motherfuckers who took her.”

I pushed off the sink and left the bathroom, ready to do just that.



Levin came back into the room and settled next to me. I reached out and grasped his hand, not giving a fuck if someone said something about it. He was one of my best friends. We needed one another.

Any other time, he’d have given me shit over the move, but this time, he gripped my hand back for a moment before we broke apart. I just needed him to know we were in this together.

Enzo’s dark eyes raked over us for a moment before he averted his gaze and said something to Fox who shot us a quick look and frowned.

Try me, fuckers. I still owe you one. Or three.

“What do we know?” Fox asked as Dom settled into one of the chairs in the living room. Everyone else was perched on another sofa across from us or in the other chair across from where Dom sat.

“We have the video,” Dom said, his voice tight as he nodded to his laptop on the coffee table.

“And the text?” Enzo asked.

Dom nodded and pulled his phone out. He passed it off to E who sat closest to him. E studied the message for a moment before handing it down the line to Cole who handed it to Fox who handed it off to Enzo.

“My guy can’t trace it. Says it’s a burner.” Dom scrubbed his hand down his face.

“It’s the only thing that was sent,” I said. “They asked for five million dollars and sent the link to the video. I assume they planned on making us watch her-her rape. . .” I could barely get the ugly words out of my mouth. My voice shook. “Then they’d have given us the address of where to meet.”

“And you’re sure it’s the lords?” Cole asked. He wasn’t his typical strange self. This Cole was pensive and quiet.

“I recognized Vasiliev’s tattoo,” Levin said. “On his wrist. It was him on top of her. We’re assuming the rest of the lords were in the room. There’s others in the video, but the camera moved too fast for us to get any identifying information. They were dressed in all black. If Vasiliev was there, then so were the others.”

Enzo nodded and was quiet for a moment before he spoke.

“Cole. Make the call.”

Cole pulled his phone out while we silently watched. We could hear the ringing on the other end for several moments before a deep voice answered.

Cole put the phone on speaker. “Drake. How’s it going?”

Drake? What the fuck. . .

Dom immediately tensed as Levin sat forward. I knew what both were thinking. We were set up and the horsemen weren’t our friends. I noted Levin gently touch the gun hidden at his side.

We’d fucking kill them all if they decided to pull some shit on us.