“What are you cunts talking about?” Hail slid into the space next to Tate.

“How hard I’m going to fuck De Santis’s whore when I get my hands on her,” Tate snapped back.

Hail nodded thoughtfully. “I’ve been thinking about that. If we managed to get her away from the kings, we’ll probably have to kill her. We can’t have her running back to them.”

My guts clenched at his words.No way. No fucking way would I let that happen to my princess.

“Wouldn’t it be better to fuck with her and release her, so they have to live with knowing she’d been defiled by the lords?” I asked, hating the words as they tumbled out of my mouth.

Tate’s eyes glimmered at my words, making my guts clench further.

Hail considered my statement. “Yes and no. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. We could always just kill De Santis then I could marry her since that was the original fucking plan.”

It took everything within my power to remain calm and wordless.

“What about the horsemen’s bitch? What are we doing there?” Tate demanded.

“I say we do the same thing to their little fire snatch that we do to the kings’ whore,” Hail said as if it were no big deal to openly plot some poor girl’s death.

“What the fuck did I tell you guys about talking about this shit?” Drake threw his burger down as Trent settled in next to me.

“What’s the word?” Trent asked.

“We were discussing fucking the kings’ whore then killing her and giving the horsemen’s bitch the same treatment,” Tate said, a wicked smile on his face.

My hand twitched. I was desperate to slap the shit right out of him.

“The horsemen’s girl sings every now and then at Keys on Ninth,” Trent said, biting into a fry.

“She does?” Hail perked up.

Trent nodded. “The only issue is, she’s always there with my brother. If shit goes down, I don’t want him hurt. He’s the sort of guy who’d throw himself in front of a bus if he thought he was doing the noble thing.”

Hail snorted. “Seriously? Your brother? He was a runner on the streets. Made a hell of a name for himself, and you’re saying he’d die for some piece of ass he’s not even tapping?”

“I’m not saying that. I’m saying he would if the mood struck him. He’s changed a bit, so he’s unpredictable now. I know he spends nearly every waking moment with her. Rosalie Bishop. The horsemen hate him, so you never know what he’s willing to do when it comes to her. I can’t exactly ask him in case he’s willing to eat shit for her. The best I can do is make sure she’s there and we can get her alone.”

“And how would we do that?” Tate leaned forward.

“OK, fuckers. I’m out. Plot without me. I’ll wing it when the time comes. You know how I work. I’ve gotta go tap some mediocre pussy anyway.” Drake was on his feet and gone in seconds, leaving Hail scowling after him.

“Well, Anson says he takes Rosalie alone to perform. The horsemen don’t tend to show up to those events since she forbade it after the blond one tried to tear Anson’s head off a few weeks ago. So with them out of the way, it shouldn’t be too hard to get her. I can distract my brother while you guys do the rest. He’ll never know it was me. Since the kings are on the horsemen’s shit list, they’ll think it was them again. We might get lucky this time and they finish each other off. Then we get both their bitches.”

“Dibs on Bianca,” Tate said immediately.

“The rules still stand,” Hail said, narrowing his eyes at him as I shifted in my seat. “Fallon gets her pussy first. Then me. I’ll let you have her once I’m done.”

“What if I get the red head?” Tate demanded. “What if I can grab her? Isn’t that worth something? I want Bianca first.”

“Why the fuck should you get her?” I snarled at him. “It was me who got fucked up by the kings—”

“I’m not having you two assholes fight over pussy. How about this? Whoever gets me the red head, gets Bianca first.”

“The fuck!” I shouted, getting to my feet.

From the corner of my eye I saw the kings look over at our table. It didn’t matter. They’d learn soon enough what was going on.

“Sit down,” Hail said through clenched teeth.