“Where?” she asked.

“None of your concern—” Dom started.

B whirled on him and was in his face within a moment. “Don’t start your shit with me, Dominic. I’m not in the mood. I want Levin.”

“You think Levin will allow you freedom?” Dom ran his knuckles along her jaw.

She continued to glare up at him.

“How about I stay across the hall in B’s old room. She can hang out with Aubrey the entire time, and I’ll be right there.”

B swiveled to me, her eyes lighting up. She abandoned Dom and was back in my arms. I grinned smugly at Dom, who glowered back at me.

“It could give her what she wants,” I reasoned. “Happy wife, happy life.”

“The last time she was with Aubrey, you and her almost fucking died. Do you remember that?” Dom snapped.

I sighed. “But we didn’t, and it wasn’t like that was Aubrey’s fault. I’ll watch them like a hawk. Security here is tight anyway. You pay over half of them. I’m sure we’ll be fine, man. I promise.”

Dom’s green eyes raked quickly over B, who looked at him hopefully.

Finally, he let out a big sigh and nodded. “Fine.”

B moved back to him and threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you, hornet ass.”

Dom’s hands tightened on her tiny waist. “You’re welcome,mia regina.”

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

F-Word: We need to talk. ASAP.

I looked to Dom, who was kissing Bianca.

“Hey, F-Word needs to talk. Says it’s important.”

Dom broke his kiss off from B and stared at me. “Cave. Now.”

“Cave?” Bianca asked, crinkling her brows.

Dom wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her toward the gym. I followed, sending the message to Fallon before shooting one off to Levin.

“Where’s the cave?” Bianca asked again.

“Gym,” Dom said with a grunt.

It was the same place we’d had her meet us in the beginning when she’d wanted our help and she’d basically signed her soul over to us in exchange for it.

When we arrived, we went straight to our spot—the partially folded bleachers. The gym was dark, and beneath the bleachers was even darker.

I used my phone to light the way. B grunted and stumbled, but Dom was quick to keep her on her feet. When we reached the end of the bleachers, I turned off my light and plunged us into darkness.

“It’s really dark,” B whispered.

“Shh. You’re OK,” Dom murmured through the blackness. “I’ve got you.”

The tenderness in his voice made my chest constrict. It was still a shock to me to see and hear him react that way to anyone.

I looked to the end of the bleachers as a large, hulking outline came toward us.Levin.He turned his light on and made his way quickly.