“Princess,” he choked out, looking to her.

I couldn’t bear the sounds of her soft sobs. They made my chest ache. I caught Levin’s eye. He was staring at Bianca, a muscle thrumming along his jaw as Vincent continued to hold her.

“We’re done here,” I said. “Leave.” When he didn’t move, I bellowed it. “LEAVE!”

He stepped back as Levin grabbed his arm and tugged him toward the door.

“Bianca, I didn’t do anything. I’m loyal. I’ll fucking prove it, baby. I swear I will,” he called out.

“Fallon! Dominic, don’t!” she cried out. She struggled then she rammed her foot down on top of Vincent’s.

He let out a hiss of pain as he released her.

She shot forward before I could grab her and threw herself into Fallon’s arms. They clung to one another for a second before I yanked her away from him and Levin shoved him out the door, disappearing with him.

Bianca turned in my arms and slapped me so hard across the face my head snapped sideways and my glasses fell off.

“You son of a bitch. I told you that because—”

“Because you were worried,” I finished for her as I grabbed her by her biceps and gave her a shake. “You were suspicious too.”

“No. I-I was worried. I trust him. I trust him,” she wept, her entire body trembling.

“In this world, you have to be cautious, or you become a victim. I willnotallow you to become a fucking victim,” I snarled at her.

She shoved me away and ran to the bathroom, where she slammed the door behind her.

Vincent sighed and peered at me as I stood, grinding my teeth, my gun now back in my waistband.

“For what it’s worth, I think it’s right to be cautious,” he said softly.

I nodded. “He’s already touched her.”

“Regardless of his affiliations with the lords, if any, he loves her. I don’t see him ever harming her. I really do think he’ll die to protect her.”

“Then I guess we’ll find out,” I answered, finally looking over at him.

He sighed. “I hope he doesn’t have to die to prove it.”

I said nothing. But I hoped I was wrong, and he didn’t have die. I hoped he was loyal to us. I prayed he was.

If he wasn’t, his death would definitely weigh heavily on me for years after I buried him.

Bianca cared about him. And I was fast learning that I fucking cared too.



“You look pissed. What’s your deal?” Drake asked as he settled across from me three days after Dom had booted my ass out of the kings. The commons was crowded at lunch, but like always, people stayed far away from our table.

I scowled at him. I hadn’t been sleeping. It was one thing to miss Bianca because I couldn’t be in public with her, but it was quite another to be forced from her with zero contact. I’d tried to text Vin and Levin, but both had left me on read. Dom didn’t even bother to open my messages. I suspected Dom was monitoring her phone, so I didn’t attempt to message her because I didn’t want her in trouble. I missed her so fucking much though.

I hadn’t even seen her on campus.

I was going nuts.

“OK. Don’t tell me then. You going to the party at the dip Friday night?”