“I’m feeling like fighting,” I muttered.

“Fuck it. Let’s do it.” Hail got up and followed me.

Trent brought up the rear as we marched toward the kings.

Dom saw us first. Immediately, he moved Bianca behind him. Vincent and Levin drew in tighter beside him, waiting for us.

I picked up my pace and sped ahead of Tate. Without a word, I ran at Dom and shoved him hard in the chest, sending him backward. Bianca darted from him as my fist collided with his jaw.

It was all out chaos.

Fists flew as students scattered.

“Motherfucker,” I snarled as Dom and I tore into one another.

He wasn’t pulling his punches, but neither was I. He clocked me so hard my ears rang, and my vision blurred.

Hail and Levin were duking it out somewhere to my right while Trent was dealing with Vincent.

My fist smashed into Dom’s ribs as he punched me in the face again. We clung to one another as we exchanged blows.

Bianca’s screams gave me a moment of clarity. It must have done the same to Dom because he shoved me away, his green eyes wild, searching for her.

My heart dropped into my stomach as I saw that she and Tate were across the lawn. He was on top of her. She must have ran, and he’d followed.

When I started in that direction, Dom knocked me back and rushed to her, moving so fast he was nearly a blur.

Fuck. This wasn’t going to end well.

In moments, Dom was on them, yanking Tate off. Dom’s fists connected with Tate’s face over and over again. So much rage rolled off him, I knew if we didn’t get to him fast, he’d kill Tate.

Tate fell to his hands and knees. Dom continued to kick him until Tate was crawling. His face looked like he’d gone to war with a meat cleaver. Blood spurted from his nose. I couldn’t tell if the blood on Dom was from himself or Tate.

I ran full tilt and collided with Dom, knocking him onto his back.

“Stupid fuck. You’ll kill him,” I snarled soft and fast. “Not fucking here.” I pushed off him and caught a glimpse of Bianca.

Her lip was cut and bleeding, and her pretty blonde waves were a tangled mess. Her cheeks were damp with tears.

I tugged Tate up to his feet. He leaned heavily against me as he tried to not fall.

Dom hauled Bianca into his arms. She curled into him, her small body trembling.

Fuck. My girl. . .

It took everything I had not to finish Tate off.

“Big fucking mistake,” Hail shouted as Levin and Vincent joined Dom with Bianca.

Trent helped me to hold up Tate.

“You’ll pay for this shit,” Hail said.

Levin spat at Hail. “Bring it, motherfucker.”

Vincent shook his head at me, his dark eyes clouded with anger.

Regret morphed through me as I realized I may have let my anger get the best of me. Bianca had been hurt because of it.