“Sassy little B,” I said, backing away and winking at her. “Go act like you aren’t paying attention next to Dom and Levin. It’s not believable if you’re watching. Fifteen minutes. Got it?”

She nodded, and her eyes narrowed as I backed away from her.

I grabbed two more glasses of beer and headed to the bonfire. I glanced back to see B had listened and was nowhere to be seen. Fallon leaned against a tree next to the rest of the lords, a drink in his hand. They passed weed around, and he took a few hits, his attention focused on me. When I reached Stella, I handed her a drink.

“Four minutes. Not bad,” she said, putting on a hell of a show as she pressed her body against mine and whispered in my ear. “Drink. And pay attention.”

I nodded and guzzled my drink down, already tipsy from having so many earlier. Acting wasted wouldn’t be terribly hard since I was definitely buzzed. Music and laughter pounded out around us. She quickly downed her drink before wrapping her arms around my neck. I wound my arms around her waist and hauled her away from the fire and people, so we were alone enough that she could talk to me.

The music hammered out some sexy beat that had her grinding against me. I danced back, my forehead pressed to hers and my hands still on her waist.

“This is fucking awkward,” I said. “What’s the information?”

She let out a giggle that may have looked real, but I could hear the fake echoing through.

“Hail has girls for the lords tonight.”


“Fallon has to participate, or Hail will get pissed. It’s a gift for them to help them relax.”

“Is he going to do it? Fallon?” My heart leaped into my throat.

“I assume so. He’s been incredibly shitty lately. He’s barely talking to me. When I asked him, he snapped at me and told me to fuck off. That’s not like him, so whatever Dom has done, he needs to fix it because I’m the one who has to deal with the consequences.”

She turned in my arms, so I ran my hands along her toned stomach and rocked against her. My lips were at her ear.

“Fallon wouldn’t do that to B.”

“I don’t know what to tell you. He will do what he has to do so he isn’t ousted.”

I ground my teeth.

“Are you the girl?” I said into her ear.

“One of,” she answered back. “What do you want me to do? Want me to be with him instead of someone else? Like I said, he’s being a prick. I’ll do it, but I won’t be happy about it.”

“B knows you’re with us, so yeah. Make sure it’s you if it comes down to it.”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that. Hail wants the guys to all share a girl. I like cock, but I’m not interested in being stuffed by five of them in one night.”

“Do what needs done, Stella.”

She sighed. “Mm, maybe. Tell you what. There’s a beautiful Italian leather bag I’ve had my eyes on. Maybe someone could get it for me as a thank you gift. I get so few of those lately.”

“Fine. Send me the information and I’ll make sure you get the damn bag, but only if you do this right. No cock, no bag. Got it?”

“Deal,” she said, turning to face me. One moment she was staring up at me, and the next she was kissing me.

I stood stunned beneath her lips, not kissing her back.

She broke the kiss off and took my hand. I stumbled along behind her, sick to my stomach that her lips had just been on mine. Finally, I got my shit together and took the lead, hauling her along through the dark forest.

“What information do you have for me?” she called out.

“How about if B saw that you’re already a dead woman?” I answered.

She scoffed. “It had to look believable. Excuse me for being a method actress. To be honest, that was a really bad kiss. We’ve kissed before. You rocked my world. I don’t know what the hell that was. I think you spit on me a little.”