Hail made some calls, and more people came over. Drugs came out. I snorted some coke and smoked some weed as some chick sat on my lap.

I hated this fucking life.

When I’d told Nattie what I’d done, she’d bailed. I’d given her the cash to run on and she had without question. I hadn’t heard from her since. It scared me, but she was resourceful. She’d call when she felt safe enough. And if there was silence, it meant she was still out there.

The last thing I needed was De Santis hurting my sister because I’d gone back to the lords and said fuck it to the kings.

If he cared that she was gone, he certainly didn’t act like it, but he’d been a zombie lately anyway. I wasn’t sure what was happening on the kings’ side these days, but Dom looked rough as hell. Black circles around his eyes. Thinner. Quieter.

Bianca wasn’t around much either. Which was good because that meant she couldn’t be grabbed by Tate. Even when she was around though, she was with Levin or Vincent. Not Dominic. Shit must have gone down between them.

I couldn’t keep the sick satisfaction at the possibility out of my head.

I just had to focus on what I was doing now. Fuck De Santis. Fuck me for ever wanting to be a king. They used me and tossed me aside after I’d already proven myself. They’d helped me shatter Bianca.

In the end, they got what they wanted, and that was me gone. Instead of making me an ally, they’d turned me into their enemy. The very real idea of stealing Bianca away as planned weighed heavily on me.

Because I still wanted her.

And I’d fucking tear her away just to prove my fucking point.

* * *

Later that night, after snorting another round of coke, I flopped down in the seat next to Tate. Stella was quick to join me, sliding onto my lap and nuzzling against my neck.

For the most part, I ignored her. I assumed Dom probably told her to keep track of me. If she were running back and telling him the shit I was doing with other girls and Bianca found out…I pushed the thought away. Dom wanted me to do that shit anyway. He had zero room for complaint. I was a bitter, single man. I could fuck anything I wanted.

I smashed my lips against Stella’s, making her cry out.

“Go back and tell your master how many girls I’m fucking. Tell him I said he’d approve,” I growled in her ear. Anger at the entire situation surged through me.

“I’m not here because he told me to be,” she answered back as I released her. “I’m here because I’m worried about you. You’re sliding down a slope that leads to hell, Fallon.”

“Heard it needed a new ruler,” I muttered.

“If you want back in with the kings—”

“Fuck them. I’m not going back. So either shut your fucking mouth or suck my dick. If you aren’t going to do either, get lost.”

“I hate it when you’re high,” she snapped at me, getting to her feet. She flipped me off and stormed away.

“Can’t even hold onto Stella, huh?” Tate said, glancing over at me.

“Fuck you,” I muttered.

He laughed and moved closer, his phone out. “Check this out.”

I stared blearily at his screen to see pictures of Bianca in her room. He must have taken them at the top of the science building or some shit to see into that room and catch her taking off her clothes.

“I’m definitely going to fuck her when I get her,” he said softly, flipping to a photo of her in nothing but her bra and panties. “I hope she screams until her voice breaks.”

“You’re fucked up,” I said, doing everything within my power to contain myself.

“Like you aren’t going to do the same,” he said, darkening his screen. “I know if you get her, you’ll fuck her. I’ve seen how you are. You’re just as fucked up as I am. I don’t blame you though. She’s a hot piece of ass. I imagine her pussy is grade A. She looks like she’s tight as fuck. And her ass?” He rubbed his cock over his jeans. “I’ll tear her open so I can see what color perfect bleeds.”

“Too bad I’ll be the one getting her,” I said, my guts twisting at his words.

“We’ll see,” was all he said as he stared off into the distance, some grotesque thought in his head.