Page 22 of Pet

Radio City Music Hall was one of the biggest music venues in all of New York City. It sat nearly six thousand people and would be the largest audience I’d ever been given the chance to perform to by far. I’d been to it a few times as a patron and had dreamed of the day that I would be able to sing up on that stage.

That day had finally come. I would have never imagined that it would be this soon.

How had I even gotten on that list? Maybe it was my agent or maybe it was someone else.

Like the man I’d met and fucked last weekend and dreamed about every night ever since.

I groaned.

It had to be. My agent wasn’t particularly well known, but he’d gotten me a number of decent enough gigs to where I felt like I was moving up in the music world. Plus, he’d been the one to be able to secure a meeting with a rep from Atlantic Records, so I didn’t really have any complaints.

But this was so much bigger. This was the kind of life-changing gig that could kick-start my career or whatever was left of it after last weekend. I had to get ready.

I quickly brushed my teeth and hurried into the shower, jumping under the water before it heated up all the way and shivering from its cool bite. I squirted my favorite cherry-scented shampoo into my palm and massaged it into my hair. I cleansed myself with my soft loofa, ensuring to be gentle between my thighs because I was still ridiculously aroused from all the raunchy dreams I’d been having.

With a hard shiver, I forced my hand from in between my legs and rinsed off the soap and shampoo. After that, I conditioned my hair, using my usual brand first before I washed that off and used my deep conditioner. I carefully brushed my hair and rinsed before I shaved my legs, my underarms, and my pussy. Then I used a few additional exfoliating scrubs to make sure that my skin would be soft and radiant under the bright stage lights tonight.

I sighed and let the water stream down my body, enjoying the feeling of the warm spray peppering my skin. My stomach was fluttering with butterflies at the prospect of performing to such a massive audience. It had been a long time since I’d felt stage fright like this, and it was refreshing at the same time that it was equally terrifying.

When I was finally finished, I reluctantly turned off the water. With a soft sigh, I grabbed a clean towel and wrapped myself in its fluffy softness before I stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off after that.

I left the bathroom and sat down on my bed. I massaged some lotion into my legs and all over the rest of my body. When I was finally done, I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a soft cotton shirt. I pampered myself a bit more with a facemask and when that was done, I made myself something to eat. It was only about lunchtime when I finally finished getting ready and I sighed, willing the time to move faster.

For a while, I went over my material. Feeling inspired, I even started writing another song and hummed the tune while I strummed slowly on my guitar. I watched the clock the entire time and when it finally neared quarter after four, I slipped on a pair of cute flats and shrugged on my favorite brown leather jacket. I grabbed the phone that had been mysteriously left for me and left my studio, locking the door behind me before I rushed down the stairs into the crisp fall air.

It was early October and it was still warm enough to walk outside with just my leather jacket. I walked down the block and bought myself an iced coffee. I sat down on the brick stairs right outside my building and waited for the car that was coming to get me. For a while, I watched couples and individuals walk by, hurrying along to make it to work or whatever they had planned to be doing on this Saturday night.

I felt so jittery. I was anxious and excited about the show, and I couldn’t wait.

I saw the limo turn around the corner and I tried to keep my cool despite the fact that it was one of the nicest ones I’d ever seen. It was a beige Chrysler and it was so clean it very nearly sparkled under the light of the sun. I stood up and approached the limo as it pulled up, very aware of the fact that everyone on the street had turned to watch me. Nice cars didn’t drive through my neighborhood. There was no reason for anyone with money to come here.

The limo stopped and a man in a suit stepped out. He walked to the ba

ck of the limo and opened the door for me. Carefully, I climbed in the back and he shut the door behind me. There was a chilled glass of champagne waiting for me and I took it in my fingers as the driver got back inside. I sipped at it slowly as the car drove away. I closed my eyes briefly and enjoyed the taste of it as I readied myself for the ride of my life.

When we pulled up to the back entrance of the music hall, I was ushered into hair and makeup immediately before I was rushed into wardrobe for several quick fittings. The next several hours passed by in a rush, and I tried my best to make the best of every single moment.

I ended up befriending several of the flamboyant designers as they ogled and critiqued each dress that they put me in until they found their favorite one. They fawned over me for what felt like forever before they even allowed me a second to look at what they’d ultimately chosen in a mirror.

The winning number was a tight pink little dress that hugged my curves. The sweetheart neckline was lined with lace and the fabric gathered around my hips in a way that accentuated my small waist. It was covered in tiny sparkling gemstones that would catch the lights and glimmer as I swayed my hips and sang my songs for everyone watching.

When all that was through, I was finally brought to the stage where I was guided through a quick rehearsal of the hour-long show that I had hastily planned. The music had already been passed to the live band and once we established the song order, the rest of the time passed by in a rather well-coordinated rush.

I was brought to my dressing room, where I nervously sipped on a second glass of champagne and waited for the show to begin. When the time finally came for the night of my life to start, I was led backstage. From the wings, I looked out at the packed audience and trembled with the slightest bit of stage fright. The lights were so bright that I could only see a few rows of people, but I knew they were there. I pressed my fingers against my belly and took a deep breath.

I could do this.

The first few beats to my song started to play and I walked out onto the stage toward the mic that was waiting for me in the center. I took it in my hands and grinned, looking out into the crowd. The lights were so bright they were practically blinding, and I had to blink several times in order to get used to them. I wrapped my fingers around the mic as they roared in excitement as I took my place before them.

“How are you doing tonight, New York!” I said excitedly into the mic, glancing at the few rows of people that I could see, and my eyes stopped on a single man sitting center stage in the front row. My mouth went dry at the sight of him.


The moment that his eyes caught mine, I blushed heavily, and I had to look away, too ashamed to hold his gaze. I felt the pull of his gaze on me though and when I turned back, there was a prideful expression painted all over his face. His eyes crinkled just a bit when he smiled, and his warm irises stared back at me with expectation. I watched him study my outfit, carefully dragging his eyes up and down my body in calculated appreciation.

It made me feel sexy. My pussy tightened with desire at seeing him once again. I licked my lips and the crowd roared in excitement.

The beats to my first song began.